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Old 03-12-05, 07:49 PM   #1
dr greenlove
Join Date: Apr-2003
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Boa woes.

As i write this my Boa is (i think) smirking at me.

You are all thinking that i have lost my mind somewhat.

By way of explanation i will say that the snake and me go back a long way...he is about 9yrs old, and i have had him for pretty much all that time.

The first few years were fine...he ate. Lots. Didn't grow very big, even now he is barely 5ft long. His pop was a little 'un too.

But then he discovered the "game". ...

Every year he would go off food in, roughly, September. This annual fast would go on till Feb/March. Some times ending much sooner. The purpose (i think) of the game is to drive me insane, because (and here we come to the rules of said game), feeding will ONLY resume when the PRECISE food item is offered.

And every single year the item has to be different.

One year it was hamsters. The other it was brown mice (for a 4ft Boa, i felt this was just embarassing ). Then it was small rats...then it was HUGE rats...then the rats would have to be a certain colour...on it went.

This year he has changed the rules slightly. He decided to stop eating a little earlier than usual. Then just to confuse me he took a rat in December.

Then he began his cunning ploy.

He has since refused all items offered, he has shown equal disregard for species/colour/size. But now it is no longer sufficient for him to just refuse the item.

After trying the usual selection intermitantly (after all, i wouldn't want to stress him ), he has just upped the ante by going into a full defensive, gaping hissing display. Which is something he hasn't done before.

And as i type this, thinking of yet another waisted feeder (rat/white/medium), he is looking at me.

I could swear he has an evil glint in his serpentine eye...

Not the best picture. But you get the idea.

And all that is just his food related evil...i won't bore you with the years of sustained cage dismantlement he has visited upon me.

Does anyone else have a snake that just seems to exist to make your life unpleasent?
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Old 03-13-05, 08:34 AM   #2
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you have a great way or wording that post, made me laugh. sucks that you boa is so stubborn tho.
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Old 03-13-05, 08:45 AM   #3
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you have to put this on my thread. roflmao. i am not alone in this. other peoples snakes plot against them.

and please do tell about the cage dismantling. lol
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Old 03-13-05, 08:54 AM   #4
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your boa has the exact same look in its eyes mine gets when they are seeing who can get the most points for torturing me!

chance the boa that had all the surgerys is in lead on scaring the heck out of me. she has blown the other boas away with the scare the owner game. after her surgerys i put her on newspaper (to stop any bacteria) i was up for 3 days prior to the last surgery. 2 nights befor the surgery i had to rush her to an all night vet to get a lump lanced cause the infection was going behind her eye. then surgery night i stayed up all night watching her.

well after surgery i would set the alarm for every hour to check on her. well after days of this i really needed a nap.
i had just fell asleep and i heard loud bubbles. immediately i shot up and looked at chance...she was under water blowing loud bubbles out her nose! scared the heck out of me. i jumped up and threw her lid off heat lamp and all and yanked her out of the water! she came out of the water laughing at me! when my heart slowed down enough to have a heart attack i flat lined. lol
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Old 04-03-05, 08:39 AM   #5
dr greenlove
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Finally the annoying bugger has decided eating is more important than irritating and worrying me.

Last night he ate a huge it would appear that this years combination for a successfull feed will be

a/very late at night

b/huge rat(white), that has been warmed to almost boiling point....mmm stewed rat! Tasty!

c/coil and drop at least twice.

d/me crossing fingers and not daring to breath.

Something of a personal best for him though...around six months without a substantial meal.

Wonder what next year will bring...ostrich chicks? Harpy Eagle eggs? Three legged albino lemurs?
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Old 04-03-05, 09:01 AM   #6
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im glad he ate again for you. its so stressful when tthey don't eat. i never though bci's where so picky thats something i would expect froma bp. i swear my girl would eat every day if i let her
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Old 04-04-05, 10:36 PM   #7
Snake Pliscan
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Hey Doc, have you tried Wabbit yet?
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