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Old 02-22-05, 09:09 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan-2005
Location: near Saskatoon, SK
Posts: 61
Red foot growth rate

Here's another red foot question:

I understand that one of the major problems with all kinds of torts (and turts for that matter!) is malnutrition - either deficiencies or excesses of certain nutrients. I also understand that rapid growth is not desirable....

So does anyone have an actual idea of what a 'healthy' growth rate is? Like a certain number of grams (or whatever) in a certain time period?

I know such a number probably doesn't exist, but I am an animal science student at the U of S, and there's a lot of livestock work done with growth rates and nutrition, and thus ideal rates have been established for various species and conditions...and I thought there might be a chance that someone might have an idea of this kind of parameter for torts. Damn school - I crave a numerical guideline!!

If no one has done it, this type of research might make for an interesting grad project for some budding herpetologist!

Thanks for sharing any thoughts,

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