Originally posted by silent_truth
daiyoukai: That's funny, 'cuz my male ferret is much calmer than either of my females. One of the things I like about ferrets is that over time, you will see a distinct "personality" in each one.
for real? Maybe it's because Iv never owned mor then one at a time. My first ferret "trips" would steal everything small enough to carry and hide it under the stove. And wouldnt stay still in your arms to save his life. lol But yeah, they all do have personality.
Here is something thats cool about ferrets, if you massage the back of there necks they will yawn. like the huff of skin where a mother would carry them, massge taht and they will usualy yawn depending on age. Older ferrets you may take alil while longer to do so but if you have a young one give it a try.