I think I know whats wrong... here's a couple things to check.
To start with how are you ascertaining that the tape is live?? Are you feeling a zap when you touch it.. explain.. what was the path of the zap, from hand to where? What was on your feet?
I personally don't like seeing conductive metal tape on flexwatt and while its common, I never recommend it.
If there is an abraison or pin hole in the thin plastic it might be making contact with the tape. This would be the worst scenario and would represent a real conductive path from the live conductors to the foil tape.
But there is something else that I have seen.
I suspect you are feeling capacitively coupled current flow through the tape.
What can happen is that the mylar coating on the heat tape acts like the dielectric of a capacitor when metal is placed over it. A small charge is actually stored in the plastic coating that becomes sandwiched between two conductive surfaces. This is not a direct connection to a live wire, but yes you'll feel a discharge.
A few years ago I had a similar weird experience with an old tank that had a chrome rim rather than the usual black plastic ones.
I simply had placed the metal rim of the aquarium on the heat tape and while in socks on the bare basement floor felt a bit of a shock when my arm brushed the rim of the aquarium.
I quickly pulled out my meter and started conducting some tests. I discovered that there was no direct connection and there was no current potential but there was in fact a voltage present on the rim of the aquarium, which at that point presumably represented one plate of a capacitor.
Slightly elevating the metal rim off the heat tape by using some plexiglass shims, eliminated the problem.
I suggest you remove the metal tape and use a new piece making sure it only contacts the outside plastic edge and doesn't extend over the internal bus runners... OR
Two other fixes, are using non conductive tape(cloth type) or putting a non dielectric spacer between the metal tape and the flexwatt. A piece of plexiglass should work, and even covering the heat tape with electrical tape before applying the metal tape will likely work. You need to increase the distance between the metal tape and the flexwatt
Uncle Roy
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