Stay away from using peat moss with salamanders. Not only do they have troulbes dealing with the high acidity levels, but the peat moss leaches a number of necessary items out of their body through their permeable skin. PEat moss will slowly kill a salalmander. I suggest changing the substrate to eco-earth or bedabeast which are both bricks of coco husk fiber and are cheap and easily obtainalble at any pet store. IT is the ultimate amphibian substarte in my opinion. Other than that, his needs are met, but that said, have the substate 3-4 inches deep ad the slamander will burrow.
Dont forget to dust the feeders with a good calcium supplment like REp cal with vitamin d3, and herptivite.
Good luck
Tigers are a riot
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. It's just a spring clean for the May-queen."
-Led Zeppelin