Thanks for the info happy to know you guys dont get annoyed by all these question. But I acctually did get a perfect mixture of sand and soil. I rotitilled 3 gradens this year but only used 2, and the third sits far from the others and as far as I got was rotitilling it never used any chems, furts., etc. and I even turned it before digging it because I didn't want to put any unwanted insects in their if I could help it.
Also I was just in his (Beaners) room and the moisture has gone away in the front could this just be an early morning thing? like dew? Secondly he dug a nice burrow that leads under his bath tub/water dish but he wasn't in it he was laying in the basking spot covered in dirt
Also about the temp. It's 105 at the site of the basking spot towards the top it's much warmer, but should I crank it anyways to get the heat that much at the surface?
1.3 het ghost bps, 4.12.3 leos, 1.0 Tokay Gecko, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, Emp. Scorpion,Red Bellied Piranha,Austrailian Cattle dog
Last edited by beanersmysav; 08-05-04 at 12:59 PM..