Mixing species when it comes to amphibians is almost alwas a no-no... especially if yyou are new to amphibs.
To answer your question is that NOTHING can go in with him. Here are a few reasons:
a) frogs from different habitats carry a differnt culture of bacteria in their gut and elsewhere. They can handle their bacterial load, but when you introduce another animal from a different part of the country world etc etc, thier is a great certainty that these "alien" bacteria will cause a problem. Think about alll of the native americans that died when the europeans came over... this is essentially the same thing.
b) their is a good chance that the frogs may make a few attempts at eating each other
c) it is very difficult to provide a proper environment for animals from different habitats in one tank, even if they are from the same geographical location. A 35 gallon tank may seem big, but is quite miniscule when compared to the scale of a even something as small as a large bush.
There are at least a hundred other reasons I could give you for not mixing, but I haven't the time or the energy. It is generally ynot in the best interest to mix species. Nobody has proven to me in any way how a mixed tank can benefit the animals themselves. It is in the best interest of your frog(s) to keep them in tanks with only thier own . Thanks for asking this important question.
Good luck
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. It's just a spring clean for the May-queen."
-Led Zeppelin