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Old 06-19-04, 08:11 PM   #1
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Update on criekt breeding

o.k its been a while since ive talked about breeding criekts.....actually its been a very very long time. But i got some good news.

Ive been trying to breed these things for a year, and learned from my mistakes. Now i fianlly think i got it! Right now i got abby criekts growing into pin heads, there getting there, and theres about a 1000 thats alive or less. But im still working on that. So far so good, nothing is roiting or dying, and im keep my adults criekt for a longer time as well.

I will be starting a new batch soon, so i will be taking pictures, of the progess and then post them here. Wish me luck on the second batch

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Old 06-20-04, 08:07 AM   #2
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I asked earlier about breeding crickets and never got a response. I'm new to breeding crickets. What mistakes have you worked out? Any tricks of the trade you can share? Any info would be great. How long does it take for the crickets to actually hatch out? Thanks in advance.
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Old 06-20-04, 10:39 AM   #3
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ya ill tell you some stuff now, but once i get the second batch ready ill post everything. Common mistakes
-To many crikets are in the box
-Not enough air
-no food and water.
Those are some common mistakes. So what i do is put some in each box, all depends on how big the box is. The substrate i use is bed a beast, works like a charm, i put about 2-3 inchs of it in the box. Make sure its moist at all times but not to moist. I put a metal mesh on top of the suface so the crikets cant eat the eggs. Once all the eggs have been laid, keep it moist and in a warm place. The warmer it is the fast they hatch. I got crikets to hatch in a week, some hatch in 2-3 weeks, all depend on where you place them. Also a good trick is to put moss in there, why? cause they eat this stuff, so when i forget to feed them they eat this stuff, and they like hiding in it. Once they hatch you want to get carrots and use a cheese grader thing, and throw those in cause they cant eat a soild carrot, also put some egg cartons for them to hide in. Also you must water them once in a whie, and make sure nothing molds.

Thats just a somethings that worked for me, i didnt get into details, but once i get my second batch i shall post pics and how i breed these guys, on the way youll probly make mistakes and they all die, but dont give up keep trying. If you got more questions go for it

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
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Old 06-20-04, 10:44 AM   #4
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Cricket breeding is actually a frequently discussed topic here in the feeder forum, which may have been why you didn't get a response. I don't breed them so I cannot give any advice, but try running a quick search in this forum and you will churn up quite a few results
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Old 06-20-04, 01:58 PM   #5
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Thanks for the info about breeding the crickets. I'm trying now, and we'll see how it works. Eventually I'll get it right. I need to learn how to do this as the babies are eating me out of house and home and it would very much cut costs if I could breed my own.
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Old 06-20-04, 02:22 PM   #6
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if you are trying to breed crickets do NOT put substrate in the container with your breeding colony. Give them lots of egg crate to hide in, food, water and a small (sandwich size) tupperware filled with moist soil. Well thats what i use, bed a beast would work, vermiculite, pretty much any moist losse substance. If you put substrate right in with your breeding colony it makes it hard to seperate all the diffrent sized crickets. Take out the small tupperware with the dirt in it every 3-5 days and put in its own sweater sized tupperware. It takes anywhere from 10-20 days for the eggs to hatch depending on temperature. If you heat the eggs they will hatch sooner, and if you heat the hatchlings they will grow faster. Do not heat your breeding colony, crickets grow faster in heat, but they dont live as long. Crickets will live up to 18 weeks in a cool basement or garage.
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Old 06-20-04, 02:29 PM   #7
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o ya i forgot to add that if you dont mind the size, and you need to take the pin heads out, take out all the moss the egg cartons everything thats in there expect your subtrate. What you do is get a vaccum and you a sock around the tube turn it on and then it will suck up the pin heads, you turn it off you let him drop into a bowl or a container, for this you work the substrate must be moist

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
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