Thanks for the help, guys...If you had seen my past post on shedding, my snake shed in pieces and I didnt want that to happen again. I dont normally notice his eyes getting grey, but more I notice his face turning "blue-ish"....Thats when I increased humidity and his shed did seem to do better this time but it still wasnt in one full piece. I think what I might be doing wrong is not increasing humidity soon enough...although I didnt expect him to shed again so soon. Ya live and learn, I guess. I am going to watch for sheds more carefully now that I know he could shed more often than I thought. I did notice that after this last one, his colors are more bright goldish-yellow..he is gorgeous!!! Its kinda exciting to see how he changes. He is my first snake so all these little things are so fun for me (maybe Im a new mission is to get his next shed in one piece...Wish me luck..Thanks again...