Well after several setbacks, both time and financially, the new cage was finally finished a couple weeks ago. I just got around to taking some pics so here goes.
This is a full view:
This is a close up of one "condo's". There are a total of 4, 2 for leopard gecko's, one for my vipers and one for a soon to be addition.
This is where my beardie will soon live. He's not purchased yet... but soon.
And this is a close up of one of my new girls Dru. She's a tremper albino.
Here's the details:
size - 48x60x18, beardie's is 18" high and the rest are 14", very bottom shelf is left for storage, it will have doors on it eventually.
Time - took about 3 months of off and on building
Materials - melamine frame, slate tile substrate, sliding glass doors, 48" flourescent light for beardie(plus heat lamp soon to be installed), 2.5" vents for each cage, Melamine paint, wire, dimmer switches, timer for flourescent,
Heat - Home made "heat caves". It was a design I borrowed from another fourm, you take flexwatt and silicone it to the bottom of a tile, then you take a 2x3 and cut it in half. silicone a piece on each side , attach screen to that so it covers the heat tape(so there is no direct contact from gecko). Then on only 2 sides attach another half piece of 2x3 so your little guy can crawl under. They love it because they can lay on top and get belly heat, and also climb under for a warm cave like hide. The wireing just goes through the back of the enclosure.
I underestimated the amount of work and planning this would take so I had a few setbacks, nothing major though.
hope you enjoy.