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Old 05-10-04, 10:11 AM   #1
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Unhappy Problems

Well last night everything seemed fine, put the bloods into their respective enclosures with a low end temp of 82 and a High End temp of 91 in the hide. This morning Anima, my Blood was dead and my brothers is still breathing very deeply and we have noticed what appears to be extremely runny stool. My brother has already made a vet appointment for his but it is too late for mine. I am now considering taking it in for a Necropsy (sp?) to ascertain the cause of death. He seemed fine last night, a little on the skinny side but was told they didn't eat last week? Anyone have any ideas?
Nita Hamilton
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Old 05-10-04, 10:42 AM   #2
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No, sorry to hear your loss.Don't have any idea what it could be though.My very first blood I got was sick took him to the vet and said he has internal parasites.He wasn't eating well, and really skinny.He gave him some kind of paste treatment pumped into his stomach.He didn't make it more than 3 days, but he did poop a really runny one also, sounds maybe similair.Save that stool he did and take it in for an exam.Also I would be calling that person who sold you those snakes demanding a refund of some sort.
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Old 05-10-04, 10:56 AM   #3
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sorry to hear about the loss, keep us updated on what ended up happing with him
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Old 05-10-04, 11:47 AM   #4
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so sorry to hear that! If you want a refund or exchange snake DEFINITLY get a necropsy done!
Take the fecal AND the (other) snake to the vet as well. If it is the dealers fault then they should also have to pay for the vet fee. Not to sure though.
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Old 05-10-04, 12:17 PM   #5
Big Mike
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Sorry to hear that. I hope you can ascertain the cause and that the other one makes it.
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Old 05-10-04, 02:10 PM   #6
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Terrible news Nita - just saw your post saying you had gotten them and now this. Hope you are able to resolve the problem for the one that remains and get a cause of death confirmed on your little one,

mary v.
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Old 05-10-04, 02:10 PM   #7
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Sorry for your loss. Keep us posted on the cause of death if you can!
- Ken LePage
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Old 05-10-04, 08:32 PM   #8
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sorry to here your loss hope you get it resolved.
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Thats all for now, will have more soon (Hopefully)
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Old 05-11-04, 08:19 AM   #9
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Well, Kevin has been wonderful and is going to replace the one that died, I just have to wait for the eggs to be laid and hatched but that is ok, I can wait. The other little guy seems to be doing better already but we are still taking him in today just to be sure!
Nita Hamilton
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Old 05-11-04, 09:47 AM   #10
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It's always good to hear when a breeder / seller resolves these matters like this. Glad to hear you're getting a new one!
- Ken LePage
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Old 05-11-04, 11:16 AM   #11
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glad to hear it was resolved in a good manner, to bad all sellers are that way
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Old 05-11-04, 06:41 PM   #12
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Sorry to hear that.... Really terrible.. But I bet it was an internal parasite as afore mentioned.. I've heard of this and the runny stool.. Wasn't this one captive hatched?? I thought I remembered that from your earlier post. Hopefully the other one will get better...
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Old 05-11-04, 09:07 PM   #13
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So sorry to hear about your blood, please let us know what the cause was, Im sure that info could help others like myself should we run into a similar problem, make sure ya keep us posted on your new baby as well!
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Old 05-13-04, 12:28 AM   #14
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I'm afraid that a necropsy costs between $150 and $300 wich I can't afford to fork out, and since it died within 24hrs Kevin is replacing it for me without a problem so I won't be doing the necropsy. The other little blood is doing ok, she has a small cut on her belly that we are going to put neosporin on and she is on paper towel to keep it clean and disinfected. The vet did give us some mild antibiotic to help just as a preventative aid but she is already stressed and we did give her the meds the first day(they are oral meds) and she deficated on me and went crazy just trying to strike everyone and everything. When Sid put her back into her cage she struck him and then hid and did not come out for a good 24hrs. We have decided that we are not going to inflict that stress on her again ( I seriously think that is more dangerous than the little cut) instead do our best to keep her environment as sterile as possible and use the neosporin to help with the healing process. When I held her and cleaned out her cage she again was fine and simply relaxed and crawled around on my hand so I'm thankfull that she will maintain her great demeaner.
Nita Hamilton
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