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Old 05-01-04, 05:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov-2003
Location: Ontario
Posts: 79
Missouri Trip

I spent 5 days herping MO with some herping buddies and 1/2 a day at snake road Illinois looking at salamanders. I had never herped MO so I didnt know what to expect. Well as my list will illustrate I had an awesome time, finding 62 species/sub-species and found around 122 snakes.


5 - Red Milk Snakes
4 - Speckled Kings
2 - Osage Copperheads
3 - Flat Headed Snakes
10 - Yellow Bellied Racer
4 - W. Worm Snakes
5 - Rough Earth Snakes
1 - Smooth Earth Snake
1 - Rough Green Snake
2 - Black Rat Snakes
8 - Diamondbacked Water Snakes
3 - N. Water Snake
6 - Yellow-bellied Water Snakes
18 - Broad-banded Water Snakes
3 - W. Cottonmouths
30 - Prarie Ringnecks
1 - Mississippi Ringneck
1 - Northern/Miss. Ringneck
5 - W. Ribbon Snakes
2 - Red Sided Garter
4 - E. Garter
4 - Lined Snake


1 - Ringed Salamander
19 - W. Slimy
1 - E. Slimy, are the Slimys in S. Illinois Eastern?
2 - Smallmouthed
2 - S. Redbacked
2 - Zig-zag
1 - Long Tailed
1 - Long tailed/dark sided hybird

We wanted to photograph cave and long-tailed salamanders but unfortunatly ran out of film before finding a long-tailed.


50 - N. Fence Lizard
20+ - Prarie Racer Runner
2 - 6-lined Racer Runner


3 - 5-lined
1 - Coal
TMTC - Ground


4 - 3-toed Box
2 - Ornate, 1 might have been a 3-toed
1 - River Cooter
4 - Mississippi Mud
3 - Stinkpots, common musk
1 - Midland Painted
1 - Midland Smooth Softshell
3 - Common Snapper
TMTC - S. Painted
TMTC - Red Eared Slider
1 - Alligator Snapper, If I had of caught or photographed it would have probably been the biggest ever recorded in MO

Frogs, Most ID's based on calls

1 - Narrowmouthed Toad
Blanchards Cricket
Dwarf Am.
Am. toad
W. Chorus
Gray Tree
Copes Tree
Plains Leopard
S. Leopard

Also interesting, to say the least, one afternoon I was flipping a rock and put my finger down on a scorpian and was stung. It sent a sharp pain up my hand followed by hours of a throbbing finger. Being the dedicated herper I am, I continued searching b/c I didn't want to miss anything. A couple hours later I flipped another rock only to realize I put my fingers within inches of a beautiful black widow spider!!

Also saw a gray fox while road cruising and numerous other mamals.

I got some awesome pics which I will attempt to post soon once I resize etc

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