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Old 04-06-04, 09:18 PM   #1
Solid Snake
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Has anyone been bit by a nice tempered boa?

A friend of mine likes my columbian boa and he wants to get one too. Hes a bit afraid of their bite if it does bite. I tell him that if you treat it right, it'll grow and get used to him. But I know that i could be wrong. I've had my Boa for over 8 months and hes never hissed or struck at me before.

Has anyone have a nice tempered columbian go bad??
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Old 04-06-04, 09:32 PM   #2
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A good boa does not necessarily have to "go bad" so to speak. A boa will be pretty placid as is, but there are those that are nice and docile that have bit. My 6' female is the only snake thus far in my collection to bite me. I did not expect it from here of all the snakes I collect. She has always been a real sweet animal, never an upset way from her ever. Fact is though, anything with a mouth can bite, and it should be expected regardless of how nice or pissy a snake is.

When I talk to folks about my snakes they always bring up getting bit. I let them know that anything with a mouth can bite and that a bite sometime should be expected from any snake, not matter how the snake is. You just have to know that the possibility is always there. No need to instill fear in them, but an honest truth at snake behavior.
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Old 04-06-04, 09:38 PM   #3
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Anything with a mouth can bite. I had a snake take 14 years before I got bitten. Most bites are the owners falt not paying attention to the animal. I usually use a snake stick to touch the animal on the head or mid body to let it know that I'm not food. This will greatly reduce the chance of getting bitten.
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Old 04-06-04, 09:46 PM   #4
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I have been struck at by Honey Bun when she is hungry, but she has yet to land a hit. Jake has never bit or struck at me, even for all the torture I pu him through. The only snake that has ever got me was Annie, by BP and that was totally my fault.
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Old 04-06-04, 09:49 PM   #5
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You can't get in to owning snakes expecting to never take a bite. One day, you will. It may come from a crazypants or it may come from the most docile animal. Snakes act on instinct alone. Whether or not they are docile has no impact on it, if something triggers a bite, a bite may occur.
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Old 04-06-04, 10:01 PM   #6
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Originally posted by Linds
It may come from a crazypants or it may come from the most docile animal.
Linds, some of your snakes wear pants?
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Old 04-06-04, 11:41 PM   #7
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I have it all really depends on the situation...Wether the boa is in blue or if ya smell like food...and sometimes they are just in a pissy mood like ppl. You jsut gotta learn how to read your animals and leave them alone when they tell ya too.
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Old 04-07-04, 08:26 AM   #8
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My limited (thankfully) experience on being bit.

I got my BRB at 5mos old and she was still nippy. Although she never connected. She calmed with handling and age ( even a month older made a diffrence).

She escaped from her rubbermaid, and when I found her, she was really cold. I picked her up and put her against the skin of my belly to warm her. Holding her with one hand, I reached with the other to open the door....WHAM. She struck and connected with my forearm. Not bad or anything, I don't think I even bleed. She bit and I felt it, and she released.

That was not her fault.
That was mine. Afterthoughts: I startled her, and she struck out of fear.
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Old 04-07-04, 08:30 AM   #9
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I think you're actually more likely to be bitten by a snake you handle casually because they are normally very tolerant of handling and being disturbed. If a snake hisses and warns you it tends to get your guard up and you'll be less likely to be careless. A snake never bites for no reason, it takes a mistake on our part to cause one to, like ignoring obvious defensive behaviour or smelling like food. Any snake CAN bite you but none will bite without being given a good reason.

Boas are generally easy going and will put up with a lot of handling, just don't ever underestimate that feeding response!
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Old 04-07-04, 10:41 AM   #10
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Has anyone have a nice tempered columbian go bad??
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Old 04-07-04, 06:10 PM   #11
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Snakes and bites, its just normal in most cases. You just get used to it. Sometimes you get lucky with a few that don' t even try, other times you get the opposite.


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