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Old 04-05-04, 11:58 PM   #1
Scales Zoo
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Saskatchewan Rattlesnakes, HISS spring snake count

Rattlesnakes, bullsnakes, garters and hopefully a few others.

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Old 04-06-04, 12:41 PM   #2
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I'll be there!

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Old 04-06-04, 02:08 PM   #3
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I'll be there this year!!!!
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Old 04-07-04, 11:11 AM   #4
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ALOT OF PEOPLE THINK I AM FULL OF $#@% when i say this. It was in 1989 on a july afternoon I will never forget this aslong as i live! I was working at a summer camp and was quite big on snakes back then as well. It was mid day and we were taking a nature walk with some campers I was leading the group when all of a sudden a child yelled snake!!!! I ran up to it as fast as i could to be surprised by some serious tail shaking (well that's what i thought it was) It was a rattlesnake and the shaking was a rattling. I simply just could not believe my eyes It rattled and hissed and lunged and with the children around did'nt want to take any chances also the fact i never handled a hot before or what i think was was a hot, and decided playtime was over!!!... till this day i am still not sure 100% it was a rattlesnake but i am willing to bet it was'nt a bullsnake. IT RATTLED... my question is to anyone with knowledge on hots in canada is it possible it was a rattlesnake even though we are talking quebec canada?
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Old 04-09-04, 09:53 PM   #5
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Did you see the rattle?

Timber rattlesnakes used to occur in Ontario.
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Old 04-09-04, 10:33 PM   #6
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Katt is correct about the Timber Rattlesnakes. They used to occur in Ontario but are now classified as extirpated, the last specimen was found in 1941. I don't know if their range went into Quebec.
The Massasauga Rattlesnake is the only other rattler in close proximity, but even their range does not extend to Quebec.
Based on reported sightings and range maps, there is likely no way it could have been a rattler. But that is just the textbook answer, only you know what you saw and if it had a rattle then it was a rattlesnake. Plenty of animals are found where they don't belong. Perhaps it was transported in shipment at an opportune time of the year in which it could survive long enough for you to observe it. It would have likely eventually perished in its new environment.
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Old 04-10-04, 06:33 PM   #7
Jeff Hathaway
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There is some debate as to whether Timber Rattlesnakes would have been found in extreme southern Quebec (really extreme, as in almost in Vermont) quite some time ago. If your camp happened to be right in this area, I would say it was remotely possible.

However, I would bet lots of cash that what you saw was an eastern milksnake. They are excellent rattlesnake mimics, and can sound just like a rattlesnake if the vibrating tail contacts the ground, grass, etc. I have had people swear that they definitely saw a physical rattle, and then show me pictures of what was unquestionably a milksnake. No doubt, it wasn't a bullsnake!

Jeff Hathaway
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