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Old 03-30-04, 07:57 PM   #1
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how does the whole "het" thing work?

K if i were to want to breed a 1.0 Honduran het hypo, what would I have to pair with it to get hypo hatchlings? Hypos are expensive, if breeding is cheaper why not?
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Old 03-30-04, 08:02 PM   #2
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i am pretty sure you would have to apir it with another het hypo. but you wouldn't get 100% hypo hatchlings.
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Old 03-30-04, 09:35 PM   #3
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To fully answer that question you need a course in genetics. However, to be simple, for a recessive trait, like hypo, you need two copies of the hypo gene. A het, only has one, so you need another hypo or het hypo to produce a hypo.

Here's a good site.
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Old 03-30-04, 09:43 PM   #4
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Hi have a simple write up on my web page as well....

Click on the "Genetics" link.


Crazyboy is right though, you would need another snake that carries that gene.... Either a het or a Hypo.
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Old 03-30-04, 10:04 PM   #5
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amazing Tim thanx. humm this seems kinda complex for a beginner... should i wait fo r a really clean normal, spend the dough on a pure hypo, or buy a couple of hets for a breeding project...humm
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Old 03-30-04, 10:56 PM   #6
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Tough call... Kind of depends on what you want to accomplish and what you're willing to do to get there; Spend a little more time (hets) or spend a little more money (Hypos).

It would take you a minimum of 2 years before you saw any Hypos out of a pair of hets. In the mean time, you get to enjoy the "normals" but if it's a Hypo you REALLY want, what is a few hundred dollars divided up over two years?

IMO, you can't go wrong either way...
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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