` Yellow Anacondas are not hard to keep, at all. They are so sedentary, when in good conditions, that they don't require extra large cages, or soaking containers. They like a tight fit, in both.
` The hard part is in getting the right Anaconda. Gentle parents tend to produce gentle babies, as long as they aren't traumatized by improper husbandry, or handling. Nasty parents tend to produce nasty babies. As Anacondas are strong, heavy bodied water snakes, a nasty one can be formidable, indeed!
` I have lots of experience with Anacondas. It has been my experience that gentle babies grow into gentle adults. As apex predators, adults who are tame and gentle generally tend to be slow to aggravate. Naturally, there are individual exceptions.
` I got into Yellow Anacondas originally, because I found a group of babies from a breeder that were completely tame, and gentle, from birth. They started out relaxed, and got more so as they grew. They would hand feed, without striking, or constricting. As young adults, five years later, they still do.