Plz help!!!!
I was just cleaning my frogs cage and while I was transporting poncho ( my frog) back from her holding tank I noticed her legs and the under parts of the thighs were red along with jubjub so quickly i put jubjub in the 20 gal since shes bigger and cleaned out the 10 gal and put poncho in the 10 gal untill i figure out what to do. I think its red leg because the underside is red and the most red area is near the vagina. I'm pretty sure it's still in the early stages because i was reading a vet thigny and it said that in the early stages the leg is light red but if left untreated it will get worse and worse until it causes sudden death
i love them so much but i'm not sure how to cure it. Does anyone know what to do or know if i should bring them to the vet or if i can buy something and if she needs vet assistance does anyone know any vets that will take frogs in the mississauag tornto area but anywhere oustide there is ok. I'm confused how they got it thoe because i thought they get it from inproper cleaning but i clean their cages once a week? I'm so worried about my babies I
don;t know what to do plz help.