My female veiled gets nearly that wound up at feeding time too. She will take 2-3 crickets at a time and try to jam them all down without chewing. Chameleons are generally very methodical and thorough when it comes to chewing their food, so I'm not sure why some individuals turn to gluttony like this.
If you do run into a problem, you may very well have to extract the blockage. You can use something like an eraser or similarly soft object to block her mouth open and, using a blunt, round tipped pair of forceps, carefully reach in and pull out the crix. I honestly don't know what to suggest for curbing this behaviour. It may be a result of the prey not posing any threat and mastication is unnecessary to immobilize it.
Revenge is a dish best served cold...
With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!