I have recently bred my Bombina orientalis, and 17 froglets are fully morphed out of the water as of a few days ago...with about 50 more on the way.
I fed my tads a variety of fish foods, ground up together into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. The fishfood msture was as follows:
i) Omega One Cichlid protein diet
ii) Omega One Cichlid Color Up Flakes
iii) Nutrafin Spirulina
iv) Nutrafin Fry Food
v) Freeze dried bloodworms
This is basically a version of a tad food recipe posted on frognet by Tracy Hicks. The proportions of the food was all 1:1:1:1:0.25 respectively. After the tads morphed out, I have been feeding them flightless Drosophila melanogaster dusted with Miner-all 1 and multivitamins. I tried the with Drosophila hydei flies and they were able to take them.... but I prefer the melanogaster as they don't need to work quite so hard to wrangle them down. I would definitely order some fly cultures from Mark Pepper at Understory enterprises in a few weeks (
www.understoryenterprises.com). Don't even waste your time with pinhead crickets from the petstores...they will be wayyy to big for the froglets. I actually housed my tads in a 10 gallon tank with some floating pothos plants. When the tads began to develop legs, I floated a few pieces of cork bark in the water. ths will be explained below. When they grew all four legs, they would cling to the cork, and I removed them., Make sure you have the cork in the water as soon as the legs begin to sprout...as this is when the cannibalism happens. The tads without legs are still great swimmers...and the tads with the developing legs have compromised this while they are growing legs. The little legs seem to be targets for the strong swmming tads mouths...and the tads without legs will relentlessly rip apart their nearly fully legged bretheren. Adding the cork remedied this completely, as there was no more noted cannibalism.
I have also successfully raised Dendrobates auratus tads on this mixture, with positive results.
Good luck