When we fed snakes in a separate container and they were still in feeding mode when we were ready to put them back (couple boas) we simply emptied the container into their regular cage - most of the time the container fit through the cage door or we took the top lid off so they did not fall far. With a couple snakes that had especially strong feeding responses, we put the entire feeding tub back in their cage, take the lid off and let them leave on their own. They would be out and in their hide by the next morning. A hook is a good idea and we always used one when removing any others from feeding tubs, just to signal to the snake that this was not food coming again, but you have to be a bit careful that they don't hurt themselves biting the hook. We also used a signal (a shake to the feeding tub to unbalance the snake) to indicate when we were opening the tub to put them back. The boas seemed to catch on (sort of) but we have gone to feeding in the cages because we so no advantage to a separate feeding tub.
mary v.
Mary VanderKop