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Old 09-26-03, 02:44 AM   #1
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Post SFE Thread!!

Well after tonight it gave me a idea for a thread.

The best way to teach newbies is to share our experiences in depth the good as well as the bad.

this involves SFE (stupid feeding error.)

I would like detailed replies on what bit you what was the pain or damage factor on a scale of 1-10 pain being you got biten damage meaning another animal was involved and what was the actual error that was comited by you to lead the the SFE.

I will start with my 2 worst encounters.

1) It has be a whille for mr but my male Dwarf Retic got the best of me I was feeding with my fingers like I allwase do and this time they found my hand. They can give a nice kiss when the miss there food.

Pain factor==> 5
Reason: Feedign with my fihgers instead of forcepts

1) Anothere time in the past I prepared all the rats in one room and desided to go empty out the water dishes B4 feeding to minimise water spiling well I did not wash my hands and the 8 foot burm kissed my haned and coiled around my arm and also around his head making he bite even more painfull.

Pain Factor==> 8 it hurt like MAD but was not a case for the ER.
Reason: Did not remove water dishes B4 preparing food and did not wash hands thuroly B4 going to get water dish.

Marc Doiron
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Old 09-26-03, 07:20 AM   #2
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here's a the link to my sfe........

pain factor was maybe a 3....not agonizing but still a nice sting from a little guy! Maybe I've just blocked it out!lol
reason=aside from the obvious reason in my post, the root of it all was that i was careless and lazy...

Last edited by Yve; 09-26-03 at 07:52 AM..
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Old 09-26-03, 09:37 AM   #3
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I routinely get them from a few of my smaller snakes, I do it knowingly basically because they are so small I really do not care if they tag me or not, so I do not take precautions to avoid a hit
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Old 09-26-03, 09:54 AM   #4
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Haven't had a feeding error, mostly just mean snakes (ATB and a racer). Although there was the one time when I reached in to pick up my male BCI who is as tame as anything, and he whipped around and bit a finger. Best part was, he let go as soon as he realised what it was. So people, snakes aren't always sleeping, they wait.
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Old 09-26-03, 02:55 PM   #5
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My worst bite was not a feeding error, but an error on my behalf nonetheless. It was with a 4' male iguana. He had been acting a little funny one day and when I was in the bottom of his enclosure diligently scrubbing a mess he had made. He climbed down to a shelf that was right at my head level, i looked up and WHAM... he nailed my cheek. i swatted him off and he went a few feet, knocked over the bucket of dirty poopy water and then i unleashed a string of profanities not due to the bite, but due to the icky mess on the floor.

end result was a very territorial iggy, me with a flap of skin hanging off my cheek that required 4 stitches to close, and a Dr. at the hospital that phoned a vet to inquire as to how to treat me.

I suppose it was the location of the bite, along with my high pain tolerance, I would give this bite a pain factor of 5 or 6..
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