there could be several resons, like what was said maby because he couldnt see to well but let me bring up what hapend to me the other day, i went to get my BCI out of his cage because i hadent held him lately and i just felt like holding him. well i placed him on the ground to mesure him and i did. but after he started strikeing at me several times. so i grabed his tail and with the assistance of a hook supporting the uper part of his body took him back to the cage. i am not shure y he did this he wasent in shed, i didnt piss him off, i didnt smell like a rodent and when i was holding him in my arms he was being completly placid. i think it could be that maby he though that we was on the ground he might think that he could get away or something but i am not shure. but i think snakes can be moody sometimes when they dont want to be handled. try leaving him alone for a few days and trying agan, also how big is your burm? if its a baby it is very common for a yong snake that has not been exposed for humans long to get defensive. but if its an adult or sub adult next time be shure to have someone there with you.
"Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." -Thomas Jefferson