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Old 07-24-03, 06:23 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: Victoria,BC, Canada
Age: 36
Posts: 532
Diurnal gecko?

I have had one of my mourning geckos (lepidodactylus lugubris) missing for almost a month now, and I found her last week. She is back in the cage, after she seems to be all healthy... But I notice a few behavioural differences. While she and the other gecko used to be shy around people, she does hardly gives me any acknowledgement, and looks up, then goes back to whatever it was doing, and does ANYTHING but run away from me. She is not lethargic, or anything, jsut not afraid of me (and jumped and hit the glass scaring away the cat who was examining her today... lol). Shes a brave little bugger. After I put crickets in last night, I went to remove the extras about 11:30 this morning so they don't bother the "sleeping" geckos. I found my "new" gecko hunting her share down... and making record time at it, too! I fed her a few more this afternoon, and shes still busy at whatever geckos do, lol. Last night, at about 2:00, I thought this was weird, she was all curled up in a corner, not wanting to be bothered... almost sleeping. It is not the other cagemate stressing her, as she is almost 150% the size of the otehr one (big, for a LL), and they seem to get along fine. Other than that she seems completely healthy... Any help on this? Its kinda funny...
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