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Old 06-28-03, 01:40 PM   #1
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Becoming a Breeder

I would like to, after college, breed snakes. Probably not for a living because it is VERY rare that a snake breeder can make a living off of it. However, I believe that if I approach this task with my love of the animals and passion. I can't fail.

However, there really isn't much online that prepares people for what is in store for them if they breed. I see 12 and 13 year olds saying that they're going to start a breeding company "now" and such. Although they have the passion, I don't think they're know all the things one must do.

I'm going to college for two years to get a Small Business Management degree, upon receiving it, I would like to open an exotic pet store. One of the good stores that people only hear about haha j/k If I were to open it, I would be breeding my own snakes.

Anyways, I'd like it if people contributed to this thread as kind of a manual as to the "how to's" of breeding. All the money one must spend. All the time, preparation, research, marketting, advertising, etc. that must be put in in order to make their business a success.

"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."
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Old 06-28-03, 02:54 PM   #2
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My only advice is, the best investments are the 100% hets for whatever morph. You won't pay as much for them, but the offspring can be worth quite a lot.
- Ken LePage
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Old 06-28-03, 07:23 PM   #3
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First, don't bite off more than you can chew, and expect your initial investments to require several years to pay off.
By this, I mean don't snag that cheap clutch of 10 snake hatchlings if you cannot afford to feed 10 snake hatchlings for 3 years or more until they are old enough to breed. Not to mention the cost of the equipment.

A lot depends on how much money you have to put into your initial investment. Buy your equipment first, and figure out your food costs. Be SURE you can afford to feed your chosen animals--THEN look for and buy them. Don't COUNT on getting money back. (ie, do not count your snakes before they hatch).
--Winged Wolf
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Old 06-28-03, 07:58 PM   #4
Bryce Masuk
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My plan is to get my ticket in sheet metal and breed snakes as a hobby untill I am able to retire from sheet metal and purely work with snakes. I wouldnt want to ever open a store as most people that go to stores dont know how to take care of reptiles and I would never make a cent because I would refuse to sell to them since they are 90% of your customers
You need to invest serious time and money and you cant depend on certain stock to pay your bills
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Old 06-28-03, 09:03 PM   #5
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My advice is the same for the whole, "Don't bite off more than you can chew" thing.

Like don't be like, "I'm going to buy 25 Ball Pythons and maybe some Boas on the side!"

Start small, with a breeding pair of good high quality snakes.

"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."
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