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Old 06-07-03, 09:13 AM   #1
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Active Beginner Tarantula

Hello everyone. I am started to become quite interested in tarantula's and would like to know what you would reccommend to me as a good beginner species that is relatively active, becuase all of the tarantulas ive seen jsut kind of sit there, or all taruntala's like this?

Thanks for looking
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Old 06-07-03, 09:18 AM   #2
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I dont like turantulas
1.0 high yellow, 0.1 normal, 0.1 paternless het albino, 0.1Tremper Albino, 0.0.1 patternless
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Old 06-07-03, 09:20 AM   #3
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they kinda of freak me out. Yes all the turnatulas ive seen just sit there. Thats one of the reasons i dont like them
1.0 high yellow, 0.1 normal, 0.1 paternless het albino, 0.1Tremper Albino, 0.0.1 patternless
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Old 06-07-03, 10:37 AM   #4
Colonel SB
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The reason they just sit there is because they are nocternal, you can see them moving about if you have a flash light. As for a good beginner species avoid any of the african or asian tarantula's they are very fast an aggressive. Most people start with a rose hair, stripe knee or pinktoe they all make great first pet Tarantula's.
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Old 06-07-03, 11:01 AM   #5
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Aphonopelma sp., Avicularia sp., and the Grammostola sp. should give you plenty of choices that fit your criteria.
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Old 06-07-03, 01:25 PM   #6
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I currently have 2 rosehairs and 2 pinktoes.. I'd recommend the rosehairs over pinktoes, as the pinktoes jump and are faster than the rosehairs.

I'm selling mine, if you are interested pm or email me.
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Old 06-07-03, 05:13 PM   #7
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I only have one tarantula. I would recommend a rose hair. THey are great for begginers.
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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Old 06-07-03, 08:28 PM   #8
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i recommend...

the pink toes over the rose hairs because you could drop a pink toe and be okay...however they do require a higher humidity
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Old 06-08-03, 11:20 PM   #9
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As far as droping a T. i sure wouldnt recomend anyone drop a T.. Even if it is a accident still dont get a pink toe just because someone thinks it wont get hurt, all T's are capable of getting hurt when droped regaurdless.... My 2 cents worth....
Warnning! Owner is to busy playing with her critters, tarantulas loose everywhere!!
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Old 06-09-03, 10:01 AM   #10
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Most tarantulas simply are not active... its just the way they are. Mostly its because they are ambush predators and sitting still:

A) helps the element of surprise
B) Conserves energy... because a meal might not wander by for some time.

Generally the only time you see an active spider is if there is something wrong with the substrate or enclosure (too hot...too cold... humidity wrong etc.) of if you have yourself a male tarantula (they wander around in search of what all of us males want... nookie)

If you are looking for a pet to run around and entertain you... a rat or gerbal might be a better choice.

If you are looking for a gorgeous display animal with explosive speed and killing power... then a tarantula is for you. The reason I love keeping them is I like to see them make a kill... there really isnt much like it.

As a starter spider my personal recommendation is the Chilean Rose Hair.
Yah but have you ever smelled cheese? Some of it stinks eh?
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Old 06-10-03, 03:12 PM   #11
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im not saying that they wont get hurt or that it is okay to drop them. i keep many different types of ts and i started with a pinktoe and have been very successful since. next time i will include a disclaimer on my posts
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Old 06-10-03, 03:34 PM   #12
Tim and Julie B
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I started of with one of the harder species. A Salem ornamental but I never intended to handle it. I hardly ever see it but it is truely a joy when I do. Also now that it has gotten bigger it is becoming more bold. I have had it since November and have only seen it eat twice. Once was yesterday, and did it ever put on a show. It lept and struck at the cricket so fast I though it missed it. Truley amazing! But I love owning it. I just got a rose hair at the Burnaby show. It looks like an afro with legs. My favorite for looks and holding though is a pink zebra beauty. She is a sweetie! Both are good choices.
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Old 06-11-03, 09:11 PM   #13
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I have a rio grande gold and it is very active most of the time and loves to dig and they are very cool. I also have a pinktoe that is very smart and active too. I think it depends on mood or personality.
Tarantulas is the best exotic pet ever!!! :P
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Old 06-12-03, 01:21 AM   #14
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I was going to get a spider but I decided to get a scorpion. I call it Land Lobster, LANDO for short.

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Old 06-12-03, 07:42 AM   #15
Colonel SB
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very nice.
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