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Old 05-29-03, 04:22 AM   #1
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Unhappy why the hell does this happen to me?

I am very devastated, more so than I have ever been before.

I woke up this morning to see something weird with my baby rack (which is a series of drawers stackles vertically) and noticed the fifth one was completely open, of course the snake was gone. It took me another half second to notice a snake hanging from the second drawer (which was closed). The snake was dead, and was caught between the drawer and the divider between the next drawer right by where she ate last night (for this to happen the drawer would have be disconnected, and reconnected when she was half out). Her head also had two deep cuts. That doesn't make any sense to me! I KNOW the drawers were closed last night and I know that they can't be opened by the snakes. It's not like I get up at night, sleepwalk, and kill them.

Of course, I can't find the fifth one, but I still have no idea how the drawer opened. And it's not like it was open a little crack, it was completely open. I doubt I ever will, because of his size, but I have searched long and hard and put out a hide box on a heat pad. I hope he comes to it.

I really don't understand what happened, because short of someone doing it it just doesnt make sense!

This has really left me without a taste for breeding snakes. Everything is going so awfully and I can't understand how. I didn't do this to see half my babies die (with my luck they all will). I am even contemplating just selling everything (but I doubt I'll do that).

I'm not sure what I can do now, I can't seem to cry. Go hug my cat I guess.

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Old 05-29-03, 04:31 AM   #2
beth wallbank
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sorry to hear of your tragedy Zoe, but things happen for a reason. Whether be bad or good, things always occur when least expected, and the best thing is to chalk it up as a learning experience, find that little snake that is still AWOL and move on with confidence. (hugs) and good luck
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Old 05-29-03, 04:36 AM   #3
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Thanks beth,

But that's the thing, I don't know how this happened. If I knew, like I didn't snake proof them right or something then yes I could learn from that. But for a drawer to COMPLETELY open like that, someone would need to do it, or a snake would have to wedge his nose on the edge, and his tail on the frame, push the drawer out. And for that happen, the drawer would have to be open enough to get his tail out to push against the frame.

Same thing for the other one, I was looking at it and it just didn't make sense. I could maybe possible see it getting stuck and dying in between the drawer and the frame IF the frame wasn't properly closed (which it was, I always check every night), but that still doesn't explain the deep gouges on its head, which must have happened before the snake got stuck because they would have killed it right away.

If I understood it would be a little better, but I don't.

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Old 05-29-03, 04:53 AM   #4
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Has this happened before? If yes, maybe you should start using several glass aquariums with locking screen lids. Just a thought!
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Old 05-29-03, 05:09 AM   #5
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Nope, it hasn't happened. Up till today they were very effective.
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Old 05-29-03, 05:10 AM   #6
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Emily I believe this was her first clutch...and aquariums aren't always the best for tree loving species.....


Zoe I am so sorry this has happened but I am completly comfused! I understand what you are saying....and its obivous something other than snakes did there any possible way a cat got in your house overnight? A racoon? Anything? A window left ajar?

If it was human interferance I don't see why one would have wounds.

This is just terrible....I really hope you find the loose one!

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Old 05-29-03, 05:16 AM   #7
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The drawers are in my room and I live on the 20th floor. Nothing got in, my door was still closed when I got up this morning. The wounds don't look animal inflicted, they look more like two knife wounds or something, but quite wide.

I KNOW my dad would never do this, and I've never sleepwalked in my life so I really don't know.
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Old 05-29-03, 05:19 AM   #8
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Wow what the hell? Seriously I am going to be thinking about this thread all day long, although I am sure not more than you missing your babies So sad. But so weird. I don't have any rational clue as to what could have come about...I mean I would understand just plain*t happens right? But the cuts are so weird!!! ANd why would two try escaping on the same night if it was just the snakes.

I hope you can peice this together.

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Old 05-29-03, 05:34 AM   #9
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The open drawer is stranger, I find. I could see it being open a few inches, like if I hadn't closed it correctly the snake could worm its way out. But not completely open!

Ugh, I just can't make any sense of it and it's completely discouraging.
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Old 05-29-03, 07:04 AM   #10
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keep your chin up it's sad when any tradegy happens
my friend had a ball python die when it got stuck escaping.
sorry to hear but dont give up
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Old 05-29-03, 07:14 AM   #11
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I hate to say it, but I think you gave us the answer Zoe. Sounds like the cat did it. If the cat saw the movement or a baby half hanging out???
Would explain the wounds as well.(**%#^%$cats)

Best of luck finding the missing one.

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Old 05-29-03, 07:49 AM   #12
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I'm sorry to hear that Zoe!! I think Mardy has a point.
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Old 05-29-03, 08:06 AM   #13
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Yeah, I think it could have been Sushi. This sort of thing happens to the best of us Zoe, nothing you can do to stop it. When bad things like this happen, just remember that it could happen to anyone. This was not your fault so do not take it out on yourself. I feel real bad tho . I know this breeding project meant a lot to you. At least you still have your health eh? All the other ones are alright correct? Well, good luck with nursing your feelings back to happiness.
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Old 05-29-03, 08:38 AM   #14
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Wow Zoe, I don't know what to say. You've had some terrible luck with your animals the last few weeks. Don't give up! We've all had set-backs like this.

My deepest condolences. *hugs*

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Old 05-29-03, 08:45 AM   #15
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Cat's suck...and that's your culprit!!! Cats kill anything that moves...they aren't allowed anywhere near my snakes.
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