I have a book here at home about water dragons, anoles and basilisks. In the book they have a diagram of their own modified tanks. They basically did what you want too, except they didn't silicon it on the bigger tanks. They just duct taped it instead(for the bigger ones) so when they needed to clean it, all they needed to do was remove the tape and take off the top tank. I can understand why they would want to do this because it could be hard to clean 2 high tanks this way. I'd show you pics of their tanks, but i don't have a scanner. Anyways it should work out fine, althought if you ask me, i would probably add a small ledge where the 2 tanks will meet, this way there would be a bigger surface contecting the 2, and thus making it stronger(in my opinion...)
just my 2cents
0.1Burm, 1.2 Argentine BW Tegu, 1.2 Beardies, 1.3Boas, 0.0.1 Spectacled Caimen