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Old 05-07-03, 11:19 PM   #1
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Question Figs and dates

Just wondering if anyone has fed these to their tortoises? Although they do have a relatively high sugar content (obviously better suited to animals that thrive on a richer diet), they are rich in many nutrients and high in fibre... I haven't been able to find much info on feeding these to reptiles however...
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Old 05-08-03, 07:41 AM   #2
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Hi Linds!

Honestly I've never tried feeding figs and dates to any Torts I used to work with. We would get a lot of veggie donations from the local produce stores and neither of the above mentioned fruits were included in those drop offs.

FWIW, when I was heavily into iguanas, dried figs were part of the salad mixture I would feed to them. My guys loved them! Mind you, they loved anything sweet! If I remember correctly, regular figs have a 6:1 calcium to phosperous ratio while dried figs have a 12:1 ratio. Please don't ask me why the drying process changes that ratio, I have no idea!

I'm hoping some of the more experienced Tort people on this forum can give you a definative answer to your question, but I would certainly try small amounts of figs with your Red Foot.


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Old 05-08-03, 07:56 AM   #3
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Hi Linds

I cant help you much on this one as i only had a date with a fig once and it diden't go over to well.

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Old 05-08-03, 08:41 AM   #4
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The fact that they are low acid and wouldn't kill off beneficial bacteria the way so many fruits do is a plus, as is the high fiber content. They are probably worth trying as treats.
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Old 05-11-03, 08:42 PM   #5
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Thanks for the responses everyone! I eat a lot of figs and dates so I always have them around and have always wondered about feeding them to my little tortie. I'm gonna give each of them a go and see how he likes him... no doubt he will... little piggy :flick:
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Old 05-12-03, 09:50 AM   #6
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fresh figs and fig leaves are another good choice as part of a redfoot diet. Plums are actually part of their natural diet in the wild. I would not feed dried figs or dates.
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Old 05-12-03, 09:53 AM   #7
Tim and Julie B
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Why wouldn't you feed them dried ones? Just curious.
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Old 05-12-03, 10:13 AM   #8
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sorry...I knew I should of explained this...but I was just being lazy

sugar rich foods put a lot of stress on a tortoises' renal system, so a concentrated blast of sugar from a de-hydrated fig or date can only spell trouble. A redfoots' diet should comprise of 70% greens, 15% fruit, 10% flowers, 5% protein.
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Old 05-12-03, 10:16 AM   #9
Tim and Julie B
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Good to know. Thank you for the info.

Linds: My reds like over ripe mango as a treat!
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