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Old 03-19-03, 03:05 PM   #1
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Question for You ALL!

Hello! My name is Holly and I am a post-secondary student in Calgary AB. We are doing a business plan on reptile breeding, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind aswering a question for myself and my group. THis is directed to anyone who is breeding reptiles of any sort.

"What do you think of having a store that you could go to to purchase breeding supplies and breeding stock? For example, a place where you could find incubators, hooks, probes, etc..."

Our instructor has just asked what our market thinks of this idea, and I just want to take a few responses from all of you and say that ___% of people surveyed on said ___"

Thanks for your help, and hope to hear from you soon. The hypothetical plan would be to have the store in Calgary, AB, expanding if necessary.

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Old 03-19-03, 03:07 PM   #2
Herp guy
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yeah, id say 110% for it , i am.
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Old 03-19-03, 03:19 PM   #3
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Old 03-19-03, 03:21 PM   #4
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it's a great idea....I wish there was a store like that over here....
Heather Rose
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Old 03-19-03, 03:29 PM   #5
Herp guy
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Yeah, i have two pet stores and one is all junk with VERy high prices and they dont sell any captive bred stuff and have about 4 herps at any given time you go there.There is no probe sets or any other breeding supplies.My other pet store is great and has a full room of herps but no breeding supplies. I mean whats this world coming to wheen i have to order breeding supplies online.
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Last edited by Herp guy; 03-19-03 at 03:31 PM..
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Old 03-19-03, 03:30 PM   #6
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It would be a lot better, cuz around here the pet stores sell that stuff over here but for a very high price.

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Old 03-19-03, 03:35 PM   #7
Big Mike
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I don't think there is a big enough market around here to support a store that specifically catered to just breeders. Maybe an online mail-order business or a supplier to pet stores and breeders.

It would be nice to have a store like that but to be successful it would also have to cater the average reptile owner who needs reptile related products but not necessarily breeding products.

That's just my 2 cents.
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Old 03-19-03, 04:49 PM   #8
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I guess i agree with you.

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Old 03-19-03, 04:51 PM   #9
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Yea, I agree with Mike, the online store sounds like a great idea! Although it would be nice to have enough people interested in a store like that! Unfortunately it probably wouldn't make enough money ... I really do like the online store idea though.

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Old 03-19-03, 05:09 PM   #10
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Hello. Actually, did you know the largest growing sector of reptile ownership and breeding is here in ALberta?

Part of our hypothetic business plan would be have an online site where all of the supplies and animals can be purchased in one area. Anything that would be in the store, would be online and you can pay via credit card.

The store was supposed to be a milestone that would occur in the future. There is a possibility that airlines may eventually decide to no longer ship animals. Therefore, the majority of breeders in Ontario would no longer be able to ship animals here.

You are correct though, with the demand that we currently have, the store would have to be good enough and close enough to travel to. If it would save on shipping charges via airplane.

Another question: Would you not rather see the animal before just having it shipped? Would you find it beneficial to actually touch it and look at it, rather than just ordering it. I am just curious. I don't buy reptiles, so I am speculating that this would be advantagous.

Thanks again.
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Old 03-19-03, 05:23 PM   #11
Big Mike
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I have not mail ordered any reptiles. I like the idea of seeing/touching it first. Although, reputation is very important. If shipping was not so expensive, I would not hesitate to order from a good reputable breeder. In Ontario or BC for example.
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Old 03-19-03, 06:27 PM   #12
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as mike said there isnt a market it would take a great deal of time to open a store like that though because you NEED a good reputation to sell online you also need breeding stock if you buy babys you maye have to wait 3-4 years till you could START breeding and then you may not be successful a breeding supply store is a good idea but you would have to beat most companys prices and you would legally be able to sell heat tape the breeders source of heat It could work buy it would take time Lots of money and a Great plan
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Old 03-19-03, 09:50 PM   #13
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That's a wonderful idea. If you had an online order site too it would probably double your business.
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