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Old 09-03-19, 11:09 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep-2019
Posts: 1
Boa locality identification?

Hello everyone, I’m new to this forum and I’m giving it a try because it seems like a pretty good source. So I recently acquired a BCI from an exotic pet store. They labeled it as Central American, but did not specify. I asked if they knew what specific local they were and they said something like Honduras or Nicaraguan but they didn’t seem sure of it. I was wondering if anyone here would know by the pictures I post. Right now I’m suspecting it to be most likely Nicaraguan, but not sure.
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Old 09-05-19, 06:35 AM   #2
Join Date: May-2016
Location: Derby
Age: 52
Posts: 639
Re: Boa locality identification?

the boa imperata gene pool has been seriously mixed up over the past few decades trying to create some pretty cool morphs so with out knowing what the parents was its so hard to specify a locality
i would say its got a very high speckling so could have a ca influence like Honduran or Nicaraguan, but hard to be precise on which it is
really nice looking boa tho, so can only be classed as a common boa or boa imperata
cheers rich
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard
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