Re: New Member with a New snake
Looks normal. I have a few that have pink coloration on the vent. She shouldn’t need baths to do anything if her humidity is correct and she has a water bowl. What is her humidity and what are you using to measure it? What are her temps? What are you using to heat the cage & measure the temps? If it’s a mat you need a thermostat. I only ask since it sounds like it’s your first snake and there are some basic problems new keepers come across.
Boa imperators (what you have) do not need to be fed often. Ones the age/size you have can be fed every 10 days to 2 weeks. As she moves up to rats you can spread out feeding times even more. I tend to add a week as I move up so small rats every 3 weeks, medium every 4 weeks, larges every 5 and as she gets some age on her I’d spread it out more from there depending on how easy she keeps on or adds weight. For example my oldest (14 yrs) eats every 8-10 weeks because she adds weight just looking at food lol. Also, don’t give her a meal so big it’s leaves a big lump. A meal like that every once in awhile is fine but consistently is too much.
Don’t expect her to go to the bathroom between every meal. Sometimes they can go months. If she starts to look bloated for a while then you might have a problem.
One of mine for an example, I just got this girl in yesterday. She’s the only small normal I have and she has the pink too.
4.5 Chinese Beauty, 1.0 White Sided Rat, 0.1 Suboc, 0.1 Stillwater Hypo Bull, 1.0 50/50 Cal King, 6.7 Corns, 1.3.1 Ball Python, 7.15 BCI, 1.0 Jaguar Carpet, 2.2 Retics, 2.2 Wolf Snake, 0.1 BRB, 1.2 BCC Suriname, 1.1 Ridleyi Beauty, 0.1 False Water Cobra, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 1.0 Halmahera BTS, 5.4 Parrots, 0.1 Cat, 1.0 Horse
Last edited by riddick07; 10-17-18 at 09:10 AM..