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Old 10-09-17, 04:45 PM   #1
bigsnakegirl785's Avatar
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Collection Update

So I've been offline a lot lately due to a recent move, and general depression management problems, but I figured I'd give a small update on the snakes since it seems at least some of the threads have been closed down. Unfortunately, the snakes are not currently with me as I don't have room for all of them where I'm living now, but the current third person may move out soon, or my SO and I will be looking for our own place.

Several of them are due for prey size increases, so I will need to order some more food soon as I will be going through what I do have a lot quicker. Sanji, Homura, and Crona are the main three, with Sanji moving to small rats, Homura to jumbo mice, and Crona hopefully to jumbo mice for a few feeds and then to weaned rats. I don't want to keep him on jumbos as long as Nymeria, but it's also just too big of a jump right now from large mice to weaned rats. Nymeria is close to moving to smalls, but I feel she has a ways to go yet as the weaneds are still leaving a slight bulge. I'll be giving her another few feeds before I try her on a small. Growth has slown down a bit in all but Nymeria and Homura for the time being, as I haven't been able to get out there to feed them all reliably, so they've been 2-3 weeks late on the past 2 or 3 feedings. The snakes and the snake food are on opposite sides of town, and I now live in *another* part of town, so it takes a lot of planning to be able to get to all places. I wasn't expecting them to be with my mom this long, so I plan on showing her how to feed the smaller snakes at least since they have to eat more often. Feeding has gone back to normal now, but it would definitely help to have her able to feed the snakes if I don't have time or can't make it for whatever other reason.

A lot of snakes recently shed. in addition to those pictured, Homura, Cloud, River, Draco, and Bud also shed around the same time.

This is older than the picture above, but shows her current size quite well. She may have grown a bit since this was taken, but not enough it'd show up in photos.


Sanji (3 years) vs Homura (2 years). The growth difference between the two is pretty significant considering there was little difference in how I fed them growing up. Sanji got meals that were only slightly smaller than Homura every 10 days vs 7. For example, when Homura was on small adult mice, Sanji was still on large hopper mice at the same size. Maybe a difference of 5 grams, if that, but I fed him a little more conservatively to see if BRBs could be fed as conservatively as BCI (I decided not). He's grown a decent bit once I increased his food intake, but Homura being female and fed more from the beginning, has caught up. There's only a few inches of difference, but Homura is still 128 grams lighter than Sanji, so even though she's nearly his size and a bit girthier, he's the much heavier snake. BRBs are deceptively small when curled up, but I figured that photo would be good to show how close in girth the two are.

Sanji is kinda tall, though.

Because of this situation, I am not sure if I will be attempting to breed Dominika and Howl or not, as I won't be able to watch them close enough. By the time I can move them, it may be too late to make the season. I have already increased Dominika's food, but Howl shows no signs of breeding behavior so it may be a long shot anyways. We're still hitting warm days in the season, so they may also just need more time to cool off. Dominika's breeder has suggested just going ahead and starting the pairing, and using the time when I am moving them as a way to give them a break from breeding, so I may still be able to pair them. Both have great girth, so I'll just play this season by ear.

River seems to be gaining weight back, so I think she's over the coccidia, or whatever happened to be the problem. No one else is showing any worrisome signs, but the remaining medicine is still good for another 4 months I think, in case I need it. Now to see if she starts hitting a growth spurt again.

There was a power surge at my mom's, and apparently she didn't check any of the heaters, and just assumed they would turn on at their normal temperature. Which meant I came to find Dominika and Howl's room at almost 90F (which I'm sure will only prolong any breeding behavior), and I found that Sanji had regurged, as he was in front of the heater, which was set to high and 86F vs its usual low and 81F setting. It's 5' away but still - I normally have it turned to the side so it misses his tub but the heater was not set up in its usual place for whatever reason. So he will need some time before I can actually officially bump his prey size.

I have been considering rehoming some of them to make this situation easier, but for right now I'm holding out in the hope this will be a temporary situation and I can have everyone here by end of Nov or Dec. I don't really like not being able to be there with them, as things ALWAYS go wrong like this when I'm not there, but I don't currently have a way to move them. Other than that, they seem to be doing good, and the prey size increases should help to buffer them while I'm away.

Demigod is with me, however, and I'm currently trying to see if I can safely brumate him in the spare room we have the workout equipment in, as the temps stay fairly stable and will stay cool-ish in the winter. If it doesn't seem to be working, I'll probably install a heat pad or flex tape to give him a hot spot and start feeding him again. Right now, we're having such crazy weather it hasn't really gotten to brumation temps yet, but I can't safely feed him without a hot spot as it drops into the 40's most nights (it's in the 50's-60's again rn but I'm sure it will cool down again). Either that, or see about getting a reliable fridge to brumate him in, but I have no idea how to go about getting one or what to look for. :/ Would a regular mini fridge work?
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)
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Old 10-09-17, 05:09 PM   #2
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Re: Collection Update

Woops, this was originally going to be just for the rainbows, but decided to info dump everyone here instead. Forgot it was still in the Epicrates forum - I suppose the thread will need to be moved. haha
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)
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Old 10-09-17, 06:16 PM   #3
EL Ziggy
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Re: Collection Update

Thanks for the update BSG. It's nice to see you online. Your critters are looking good and I hope everything works out for you all.
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 10-10-17, 10:06 AM   #4
Albert Clark
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Re: Collection Update

Wow, sounds like a lot has been and is on your plate. Moving is always a big deal and can be problematic for sure. The animals that you photo'd in this thread all look amazing. You have been missed and there is nothing more important than getting yourself stabilized and comfortable. As far as the brumation thing is concerned, yes it's a compact fridge to get that done. I will pm the brand and model that I use. Amazon always has them priced reasonably. Welcome back!
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Old 10-10-17, 03:56 PM   #5
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Re: Collection Update

Thanks everyone! Definitely not my first time moving these guys, but this is the first time I'm living completely away from my parents. I don't currently have room for them, but one way or another I will soon.
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)
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Old 10-16-17, 01:17 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec-2015
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Re: Collection Update

I can relate to the depression - currently going through it at the moment also. Makes juggling life a B***ch don't it!

Do love the rainbows. Very much on the list of snakes I'd really like but don't think I'll ever get so will make do by enjoying pictures of everyone else's.
0.1 B imperator, 1.0 M spilota harrisoni, 1.0 C hortulanus, 2.1 P reticulatus (Madu locality), 1.1 S amethystine, 1.1 L olivaceous, 1.0 C angulifer, 1.0 Z persicus, 0.1 P regius, 0.1 N natrix, 0.1 E climacophora, 1.0 P obsoletus, 0.1 L geluta nigrtia, 1.0 P catenifer sayi, 1.0 T lepidus
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Old 10-19-17, 12:54 PM   #7
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Re: Collection Update

Originally Posted by dannybgoode View Post
I can relate to the depression - currently going through it at the moment also. Makes juggling life a B***ch don't it!

Do love the rainbows. Very much on the list of snakes I'd really like but don't think I'll ever get so will make do by enjoying pictures of everyone else's.
Yes, I've recently started seeing a psychologist, but the place they're at focuses mainly on classes so I have to work on getting the motivation to make it out there. Though maybe having some official diagnoses I may be able to get better help in the future. It sucks, but it's basically come down to me just riding the storm at this time, and trying to get things done when I'm feeling up.

They really are wonderful animals, if you ever have the room you should definitely get one. :P If you like them, you'll love them if you have one. lmao I really want to get a few more rainbows, aneries, ghosts, another high color hypo, and some high reds are high on my list. If those candy stripes become more available I may not be able to hold myself back, either. haha
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)
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