Re: Dumerils boa husbandry
I've been keeping my female in a 33 long aquarium for months now. She doesn't climb, so the shorter enclosure height suits her well. Same with the bull snake, horizontal area is more useful than vertical. Heat mat on one end is at 80, but I doubt the forest floor gets that warm most of the time anyway. Dumeril's boas are lurkers among leaf litter and such cover.
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.