Re: Is this to much stuff?
I think as long as your snake has room to curl up comfortably in each of the temperature zones, can easily navigate from one area to the other, and can't knock anything heavy or sharp over onto or injure himself, you're probably okay. But here are a couple of factors to think about:
1. The more stuff you have in there, the harder it is to get your snake out of there without tearing things apart and putting them back together all the time, which can get annoying.
2. The more stuff you have in there, the more you have to clean. Also the harder it will be to find and remove poop, even if he doesn't get any on the decorations.
Other than those considerations, I would say decorate to your heart's content.
Corn snakes: Ripley, Relic, Raven, Meridian, Solace.
African house snake: Eve. California king snake: Cipher. Tricolored hognose: Mercury.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman