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Old 02-20-16, 01:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec-2015
Posts: 180

Mary Jane was really chubby in her lower body for a while, she was overall a big girl in proportion to her length but lately I've noticed since her last shed she hasn't eaten in 2-3 weeks and her 'abdoman' shrunk. shes now less bulky but refusing the usual rat. My next attempt will entail using an adult mouse instead of a small rat. I'm beginning to wonder if she had problem digesting something and finally pooped it out. She's taken some large poops.
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Old 02-20-16, 04:17 PM   #2
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Re: Constipation?

I don't know about constipation unless your water is bad, then she wont drink it.. Whats your husbandry like? If your temps are too cold, then she cant digest the food properly. Also, sometimes snakes will go on hunger strikes if they're stressed, have you handled her a lot? Is she in a new environment? Also, if she just got done with shedding, then she might refuse food. Also make sure the rats are de-thawed completely and warm if you're using frozen. Sometimes if you cut the brain open in the mouse, the snake will more likely go after it
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