Re: Enclosure lid seems insecure, solutoons?
I cut pegboard to fit inside the plastic rim to prevent the snake from getting between the rim and the screen top. Without the leverage they're much less likely to push it open. I also secure the screen tops with nylon web strap and velcro. You can buy tera tie downs n 2 sizes, but I found it's actually less expnsive to buy nylon web strap and sew pieces of the velcro loop to the ends, and attach the velcro hook pieces to the tanks. The metal clips are fine for small or baby snakes, but lack enough tension for anything larger.
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.