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Old 12-19-15, 11:38 AM   #1
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Trans-Pecos Rat vs Everglades Rat Snake


I'm going back and forth on which one to get and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on either.

I'm looking for a snake that's relatively inquisitive, interesting to watch but also docile and easily handleable. And these two species are readily available to me.

Does anyone have any pros/cons of each or want to sell me on one over the other?

Thanks so much!
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Old 12-19-15, 12:08 PM   #2
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Re: Trans-Pecos Rat vs Everglades Rat Snake

I have never owned or interacted with the everglades rat but I have a trans-pecos. She is insanely calm and easy going probably one of the easiest in my group. She is a little sensitive to even slightly large meals but otherwise is easy. She is very calm during handling and sits still fairly well. I don't know I would say she is interesting to watch...the only snake I own that is vaguely interesting to watch in their container are the beauty snakes because they are quite active. Mostly my trans-pecos hides away except for the occasional time I catch her wandering at night.
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Old 12-20-15, 12:38 AM   #3
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Re: Trans-Pecos Rat vs Everglades Rat Snake

I have a young adult female everglades rat, she was already orange when I got her. Not fond of handling, likely wasn't handled much before I got her. She doesn't strike or bite, but does take a few minutes to settle down when taken out of her tank. She does like to watch from her tank though, and quickly comes out of her hide when someone comes near the tank, hoping to be fed. As far as feeding, she has a great appetite, and would happily take a mouse or two every 3-4 days if I"d feed her that often. My kunashir rats are younger, and handled more often/regularly to keep them from becoming flighty like the everglades.
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Old 12-20-15, 07:25 AM   #4
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Re: Trans-Pecos Rat vs Everglades Rat Snake

I don't have a ton of experience with trans-pecos rats, but the ones I've handled have all been very laid back. That's about as far as my personal experience goes with them.

I've found that Everglades rats are much more active, both in their enclosure and in handling. Never a big deal during handling and I wouldn't even say it makes it difficult, but they tend to be climbing all over you and looking around constantly. Out of the two, I prefer everglades rats.

Something to consider is enclosure size. Everglades rats like to climb a lot. When it gets older you will need to give it a decent amount of floor space along with a bit of height and climbing branches. From what I remember reading about trans-pecos rats, they don't climb nearly as much.
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Old 12-20-15, 12:02 PM   #5
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Re: Trans-Pecos Rat vs Everglades Rat Snake

A friend of mine has an everglades. Definitely a nice display animal; very inquisitive about what's happening in the room around the enclosure. She was flighty at first but with persistent handling eventually calmed down. She handles very well now. Never sits still, though. She's always on the move. Definitely makes full use of a large enclosure! I imagine Everglades might get nose rub issues if kept in smaller enclosures. They really need room to be active.

I've only encountered trans-pecos rats at expos, but they seem really chill in general.
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Old 12-20-15, 05:29 PM   #6
Join Date: Nov-2015
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Re: Trans-Pecos Rat vs Everglades Rat Snake

I really appreciate all the responses. Very helpful indeed.
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