I haven't posted anything in a while due to me becoming a daddy for the 1st. time

But I had some time so why not post some photos.
This girl is one of my favs she is a Hypo Jungle Azabache (IMG) boa, the first photo is from when we first brought her home and the second is from this year.
Hypo Jungle Azabache by
Nagy Reptiles, on Flickr
Hypo Jungle Azabache by
Nagy Reptiles, on Flickr
Next is a boa we produced in 2013, what a change 2 years can make.
Dragon Tattoo by
Nagy Reptiles, on Flickr
Dragon Tattoo by
Nagy Reptiles, on Flickr
And Finally an Albino Motley just because :P
Albino Motley by
Nagy Reptiles, on Flickr
Thanks for looking