Re: Moss on driftwoof?
Try baking the wood to sterilize it, if you haven't already. Some types of mold spores will survive that, though. Do you know what kind of wood it is? I have pieces of grapewood I use in my tarantula enclosures and they always get a grey-green mold without fail, so I just let them grow mold. Eventually the molds run out of nutrients to pull from the wood and die off, leaving behind clean dry wood. The mold that grows on them isn't harmful to the tarantulas, so it's mostly an aesthetic thing. If you're worried about it harming your snake, though, you could put the wood in its own bin for a while(keep it moist to promote mold growth) and just wait for the mold to deplete its resources.
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)