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Old 03-11-15, 03:40 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2014
Posts: 133
Food item too large?

So the past 3 feedings, I've fed my young spotted python what was sold to me as a Hopper mouse, although to me it looks more like a small adult. Anyway, they aren't much wider than the widest part of his body, but he has the thinnest pencil neck and that's what worries me. He hasn't regurgitated any of them, and always strikes immediately and starts swallowing. It looks like it stretches his neck a great deal but right when it gets down further it reverts back to normal.

He's my first and only snake so far, and I realize im probably just being paranoid but some input would be nice. Also, I don't have a scale that would be capable of weighing him or the prey item so that isn't a solution as of now.
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Old 03-11-15, 04:09 AM   #2
D Grade
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Re: Food item too large?

As long as the prey is 1-1.5 times the size of the widest part of the snake, you should be good. Trust me, I was worried when my King took his first fuzzy.
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Old 03-11-15, 08:42 AM   #3
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Re: Food item too large?

Originally Posted by AndrewM1217 View Post
So the past 3 feedings, I've fed my young spotted python what was sold to me as a Hopper mouse, although to me it looks more like a small adult. Anyway, they aren't much wider than the widest part of his body, but he has the thinnest pencil neck and that's what worries me. He hasn't regurgitated any of them, and always strikes immediately and starts swallowing. It looks like it stretches his neck a great deal but right when it gets down further it reverts back to normal.

He's my first and only snake so far, and I realize im probably just being paranoid but some input would be nice. Also, I don't have a scale that would be capable of weighing him or the prey item so that isn't a solution as of now.
It's fine as you can see it never bothers the snake. Their necks stretch for a reason.

Scales are $20 or less in the kitchen aisles at walmart, walgreens, target. Etc.

Also, hopper mice are just smaller adult mice. Kind of like late teens early 20 year old adult humans.
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