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Old 02-09-15, 02:54 PM   #1
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Corn snake help

Hi i got my first corn snake 2 days ago and was just wondering if someone can help take me out of this worrying stage i seem to be in let me explain, my corn snake was very active for the first hour of it being in its new home it was actively exploring the decorations and hides but then after the second hour it went inside the hide on the heated side of the viv and has stayed in there for the past 2 days in pretty much the same spot is this normal ? i have changed the water both days but i dont even think the corn has touched it, i would really appreciate it if someone could let me know if this is normal or if this should be a cause for concern thankyou
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Old 02-09-15, 05:56 PM   #2
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Re: Corn snake help

Yup that's normal, you can bring your snake out and hover it over the water dish, that's the only way mine will drink. I've had my baby girl for 2 weeks now and the only time she is out of her heated hide is when I take her out to hold and eat.
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Old 02-09-15, 06:28 PM   #3
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Re: Corn snake help

Corns like to come out at night when your sleeping.
1.Corn snake. 1.Mexican milk snake. 2.California king snakes. 2. Western hognose snakes. 1. Pastel checker garter. 1. Checker garter. 1.Columbian red tail boa. 1. Ball python. 1. Smooth green snake. 1. Five lined skink. 1. Grey tree frog. 1. Chinese water dragon. 3 Bearded Dragons. 2 Leapard Geckos. 1. Black cat. and Lucy my border collie/lab.
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Old 02-09-15, 08:19 PM   #4
EL Ziggy
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Re: Corn snake help

Sounds like your snake is just acclimating to it's new environment. She could also be starting a shed cycle. What are your temps and humidity like? Give it a few weeks, and a couple of meals, and she should become more active. Don't worry about not seeing her drink either. As long as there's water there the snake will find it and use it as needed. I very rarely see any of my snakes drink. Best wishes with your new corn. Post pics of your snake and set up when you can.
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 02-13-15, 06:53 PM   #5
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Re: Corn snake help

Originally Posted by mejjox View Post
Hi i got my first corn snake 2 days ago and was just wondering if someone can help take me out of this worrying stage i seem to be in let me explain, my corn snake was very active for the first hour of it being in its new home it was actively exploring the decorations and hides but then after the second hour it went inside the hide on the heated side of the viv and has stayed in there for the past 2 days in pretty much the same spot is this normal ? i have changed the water both days but i dont even think the corn has touched it, i would really appreciate it if someone could let me know if this is normal or if this should be a cause for concern thankyou
It's not likely that a small corn snake would drink enough that you would notice any gone.
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Old 02-14-15, 08:42 PM   #6
D Grade
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Re: Corn snake help

My King did this too, nothing to worry about. Colubrids are generally secretive anyways plus hes probably relaxing and getting acclimated before exploring his new home.
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