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Old 12-23-14, 05:32 AM   #1
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Timor Monitors?

Always looking to learn more and add to mt 'fantasy' collection I was thinking of something other than geckos, iguanas, or beardies. An old online friend of mine had a Timor once and it was SO adorable! She however has fallen off the face of the net and since I found this place for some rad info in snakes, figured I'd you guys for other reptiles as well.

Now, I'm not very knowledgeable about monitors, vut what I do know is there are looots of different sizes, needs, and personalities.

What drew me to the timor is the size. Unless it's an alligator, I'm not terribly interested in the mega-sized reptiles. Something that can be kept small is preffered. I also like handling however along with keeling all my digits! Lol

While researching the timor, I heard/read that they are shy and more if a display animal that shouldn't be handled often.

So, what other relatively small monitors are out there that are more handlable, or, if you own a timor or two, please tell me your experience.

As always, thank you in advanced for any and all info!
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Old 12-23-14, 11:50 AM   #2
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Re: Timor Monitors?

Props for not jumping in and wanting a large monitor just for its size, far too many people do just that.

Yes, Timors are usually (there are always exceptions) very, very shy. I've noticed that many monitors, especially babies or smaller species, seem to draw comfort from the presence of others of their own species, so if you do get a timor, getting a few will give you the best chance of seeing them more often. Even then, don't expect to see them very often. Given a proper enclosure with enough hiding spaces, you will most likely have a pet cage to throw food inside.

Ackie Monitors are by and large the most highly recommended. Active, inquisitive, and usually not at all shy. They are roughly the size of timors, and apart from their need for deep soil to dig in, their care requirements aren't difficult at all, so won't break the bank. Reds do tend to be less friendly, so if you want an animal you can handle, I would get a yellow.
If money isn't a concern, then a King's Monitor may be your best bet. They are very bold, often even as babies, and are considered to be the best behaved dwarf species and the one most suited to interaction.
Both of the above species have the added benefit of being Australian, meaning that any you see for sale will be captive bred, not wild caught. Timors are the exact opposite, almost every last one of them is wild caught or merely captive hatched.

It's worth noting that no monitor should truly be handled often. They all would much prefer to be left alone, and their intelligence means that you won't be able to force them to tolerate handling as you can with something like a Bearded Dragon. All handling and interaction must be on their terms, treat them as you would a wild animal. Coax them into interacting with you of their own free will, and reward them with food when they do. Trying to force yourself on them simply doesn't work, it stresses them and they will only hate you for it.
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Old 12-23-14, 01:51 PM   #3
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Re: Timor Monitors?

Wow, that's some great info! Thanks! Not looking for anything right now but this is something my brain will hold onto for years!

Other than the lizards I have all ready mentioned, what are some other good ones that look 'different' but stay small and handlable? (Nothing more than 3 feet)
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