Re: Burmese pushing me away
If you've only had him for a week and have been handling a lot, he might be stressed out and tired of it. I would give him a bit of a break to let him settle in.
My retic will push me off if he isn't in the mood to be mucked with... it's a nice warning before more drastic warnings like hissing, nose bumping, and then potentially biting if you keep pushing it.
[Manny]LavAlbinoRetic [Cortez]AlbinoBlackRat [Honey]Corn [Tartessos]BorneoSTP [Snapdragon]GopherSnake [Candice]YellowConda [Cypress]SolomonIslandTreeBoa
[Ogden]Crestie [Apple+Kiwi+Raina+Nikolai]Leos [Manhattan+Sidney]Tokays [Bukra.Zealand.Mina.Jolene.Yoshi.Greta.Spanky.Maui]Canines ...and fish, turtles, tarantulas, guinea pigs...