Average size and feeding schedule for two year old BCI?
I have a 2012 female Jungle Boa. She is approximately 4.5 feet long, I don't know her weight as I have never weighed her.
Just checking if my feeding schedule is okay for her age and size. I feed her one medium rat (86-175 grams) every 1.5-2 weeks. Is this acceptable? Or should she still be weekly at this age? She really doesn't poop that often either, seems to be monthly or so. Should she be on large rats? (176-275 grams)
For size, is 4.5 feet an average size for a two year old female? I have had her since Christmas, I can't say she has put any size on since then, she has shed once since I have had her. If she is going to get 7 or 8 feet, how many years does that usually take? Do all female boas reach that size? Or do some stay smaller around 5-6 feet? Just wondering what to expect.
0.1 Irian Jaya 0.0.1 Coastal 0.0.1 Unknown carpet 1.0 Diamond Jungle 0.1 Diamond Jungle 1.0 Diamond Jungle Bredli 0.1 Jungle Boa Constrictor 1.0 Motley Boa Constrictor