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Old 02-10-03, 06:12 AM   #1
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Question gecko belly?

Hi everyone, I'm a little concerned for one of my crested geckos. It's only at most 3 inches long (the gecko), and a few days to a week ago it ate three medium-sized mealworms in two days. This gecko is so tiny, but just beyond the end of its ribs, there's two hardish round buldges in its belly, sticking out. It just doesn't look like a normal buldge from a "lump" of food. I don't have a pic now, but if anybody needs one, I can take one tonight. I'd really appreciate any help, and let me know if I'm just crazy, or if there IS anything to be concerned about? Thanks
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Old 02-10-03, 01:23 PM   #2
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You should post a pic for us to see. It'll be easier to tell if somethings wrong or not.
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)
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Old 02-10-03, 05:29 PM   #3
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Okay, I think I might have jumped to worry... seeing as a day later, its belly just looks big. I can imagine, the size this crested is, that three mealworms would bloat the little fella quite a bit, but it looked like as though the mealworms' ends (heads?) were sticking out of the belly area into its side and it really concerned me. The baby is still acting normal, though hasn't been as "social" with the other two in the tank, but perhaps just found a new favourite hide out. Anyways, here's a pic I took tonight in a rush, forgive my bad photography skills. I think/hope it'll be all right, but your opinion will help. Thanks
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Old 02-10-03, 08:40 PM   #4
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I wouldn't worry about it, cresteds will hunt down anything that moves and can fit in their mouth if they get the chance, even if they're stuffed.
It will need some time to digest all that food, so it'll be a little lazy for a while. (think Thanksgiving dinner)
Mealworms aren't great for young cresteds, I would stick with crickets if you can get them.
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Old 02-10-03, 08:45 PM   #5
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lol he's so cute Jacenta! He looks like mine...mine has a similar pattern on his back, does that make him a fire? 'Cause that would be cool

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Old 02-11-03, 12:56 AM   #6
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Anyway, your Cresty looks absolutely fine. I know how it is with young herps, they seem ever so delicate... I remember stressing beyond belief about my geckos a long time back, when I first got them. Don't worry, you bone up on your husbandry, follow it, and I can assure your Crested will live to that nice, ripe ol' age that Cresties can. Cheers.
Textual blazes the path of ignorance.
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Old 02-11-03, 06:12 AM   #7
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Thanks everyone! Yes, I know I should feed them crickets... I didn't have anything left the day after I got my juvies, and my not having a license or car yet kind of made this have to be, but I had walking distance to one pet store and when I got there, their smallest crickets were the size of the babies' heads! So, I had to resort to mealworms.. the only other live food they had. I'll try to go again and get some crix. Thanks again!
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Old 02-11-03, 06:14 AM   #8
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Hey, actually, in the pictures, Murdoch seems to be all buckskin colour... I'm sure that by the time subadultness comes along, he'd have shown fire pattern if he is one. My baby shown in the pic isn't fire. It'll either turn out to be orange tiger or red... I'm not quite sure on it's brilliance yet...
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Old 02-11-03, 07:24 PM   #9
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I see little stripies when I handle him....I have great new pics, he's very orange in them!

Like the one in my avatar....but I stole that pic, I'm getting a new one soon. :P
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Old 02-11-03, 07:25 PM   #10
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(the same pattern on his back as yours in the pic)
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Old 02-16-03, 08:48 AM   #11
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The little gecko in the picture won't be a fire... It kind of has a tiger pattern all over it's body, but I'm not sure if it'll show in its adulthood. To be a fire, doesn't the "fire" part have to be a different, more yellow/cream colour from the rest of the body?
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Old 02-16-03, 03:24 PM   #12
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A fire will show it from hatching. It's very, very distinct.
'Fires' are so named because the pattern looks like bright flame down their backs and up their sides. It's usually bright orange, white, or yellow.

Some fires:
<img src="">
<img src="">
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Old 02-16-03, 03:44 PM   #13
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wow alot of great looking cresteds I wan't one now
0.1.1 normal leo
1.0.0 high yellow leo
0.0.1 patternless leo
1.0.0 bearded dragon
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Old 02-17-03, 08:35 PM   #14
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Youkai, you have amazing cresteds!
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