Originally Posted by snakewright
Hello Sorry I have not replied in a while. I have found out that my humidity meter was not working it read 75% but I took it out and it never changed :| I went out and bought moss and a new meter and it was like 40% Iv fixed it and know he seems to be a lot happier.
Also, I had his basking at 110 thinking it was to hot, but know have it at 125. His water is really warm as it is 25% under the basking lamp to keep the temps up.
I take him out to give him baths and feed him so he dose not eat the dirt/sand and know moss. I also feed him crickets and super-worms. When he is the bath he lets me handle him (after hes full)
Hi, it`s good to get an update from you!
Whatever I or any of the other more experienced keepers say it`s to help you help your animal, nothing is said with disrespect. I hope you keep that in mind!

You haven`t said what type of thermometer/hygrometer it is, analogue or digital?
You should never offer food from your fingers, because the monitor will associate your hands with feeding at all times (meaning if you simply want to change the water, spot clean he/she is expecting to be fed), it`s an accident waiting to happen, these animals can do a lot of damage once they grow!
You need to stop force handling the monitor immediately, you are causing a huge amount of stress, my guess is that the reason he/she appears "tame/calm" is because the temps/humidity were too low to allow the animal to function properly. Constant stress is a serious health risk, it can cause death in extreme cases.
You need to know basically two temps; the lowest ambient (air) @ approx. 24c (75f), then the SURFACE at the basking site of approx. 50 to 60c (120 to 140f).
The best types of heat bulbs are the low wattage halogens (flood, not spot) @ between approx 40 to 65w+. They won`t dry out the air as higher wattage bulbs do (this helps to keep the animal hydrated).
You want to heat at least the SV (snout to vent) length, so obviously as the lizard grows you may need to use more bulbs. This is my Asian Water monitor`s basking site, I need this amount because of his size...
The humidity needs to range between approx. 50 to 70%+. The lower figure will be around the basking area, the highest will be in the hides/burrows (probably significantly higher than 70%, but that`s fine so long as the burrows are not soaking wet).
Do you have a few photos of the monitor and enclosure?