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Old 05-20-13, 02:15 PM   #1
Join Date: May-2013
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Hi, I am new to this forum but not new to keeping snakes and other exotics but I am new to carpet pythons. I helped my girlfriend move into her new boyfriends place and he had what he thought was a ball python (his crazy ex bought it and she had no idea what it was) and he asked me if I wanted it because he had no time and had a new baby to take care of, along with to 11 and 12 year old boys. He gave me the tank, snake all the supplies and a beautiful wooden cabinet, all for free! I knew the second he said it was almost 7 feet that it was not a ball. After some research I found out it was a carpet. Now, having had snakes before and researching the breed I know they are quite easy to care for. Healthy appetite, looks very healthy and curious. He hadn't eaten in close to six weeks because feeder and breeder rats are hard to come by in NJ (that's why we stopped having snakes, all the PetDumbs refuse to sell live feeders or even males to breed. It's a 60 to 70 mile drive just to get them and the frozen, which he will take are stupidly priced, $12 for 2 mediums!
The two questions I need help with are how do I know if Edgar is a Coastal or a Jungle and his coloration is black with a little brown but the rest is like a light yellow or cream but with a green tint. I have seen all the other colorations but none with a greenish tint. What does the green tint mean?
He was very hungry when we got him so he would strike at the lid if my husband or son put their fingers near it but he never struck at me, my husband calls me the "snake whisperer" as any snake he or my son hold get all wiggly but when they hand them to me they just go limp and totally relax, lol!
He has been handled alot, he was just hungry and unsure of us. I will feed him the other rat in about a week then I'll start working with him. I just need help identifying his exact breed and why he has that green, I have looked at over a hundred pics and none with green, is that rare? Any help would be appreciated. I will try to post a pic, the cellphone really dosen't show that beautiful green tint, so Ill get some more with my good camera. Thanks again!
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Old 05-20-13, 04:13 PM   #2
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Re: Newbie

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Old 05-22-13, 10:42 PM   #3
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Re: Newbie

Welcome chiana4477...I just joined also. While I've had many snakes, I've never had carpets so I can't help you there...but I suspect someone else here will. That's awful that live rodents are so hard to come by where you are...I breed my own & always have to ensure health & availability, but we aren't anywhere near being neighbors, sorry....
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Old 05-23-13, 12:00 PM   #4
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Re: Newbie

Hello and welcome
Not easy to see with that picture but he certainly looks to have a lot of coastal (if not all coastal) in him. The thing with carpets is if you do not know its history you can never normally be certain as to what pairings/sub species mix may have occurred to produce your snake. Looking forward to more pictures of him
1.1 Corns (Anery Stripe, Amel) 1.0 Rootbeer 0.2 Jungle Carpet Python 0.1 Caramel Coastal Carpet Python 1.0 Zebra Jungle Carpet Python 1.0 50% Diamond Zebra Carpet Python
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Old 05-26-13, 07:11 PM   #5
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Re: Newbie

Welcome aboard!
My guess is that it's a coastal or at least mostly coastal. I know what you mean by "green tint," mine has it too. It's not all too unusual, I've seen it plenty. It just doesn't show up well in pictures.
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Old 05-27-13, 06:11 AM   #6
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Re: Newbie

Welcome to the forum
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Old 05-27-13, 08:00 AM   #7
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Re: Newbie

hii and welcome!

A few critters...
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Old 05-27-13, 02:52 PM   #8
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Re: Newbie

Welcome and nice snake
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