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Old 05-26-12, 01:50 AM   #1
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New here, and it shows!

Haha, finally getting on a reptile forum to start nerding it up, and I prove I am stupid again but not reading the forum rules before I got started trying to post in another thread. Hopefully that doesn't come back to haunt me...

Anyway, I am 29 and just starting taking my herptological interests seriously. Got a rack and started increasing my collection a year ago, and am currently crossing my fingers about successfully breeding this year...

This is my current collection:
1.2 - boa constrictor imperator - Costa Rican Playa Hermosa BCIs (1 female is possibly Gravid) all three are most likely 2006, I can confirm 1 is.
1.1 - aspidites ramsayi - Australian Woma Python (American-Mutt-Locality) 2011
1.1 - python curtus curtus - Sumatran Black Blood Python 2011

It's good to be here and sorry about messing up the first post rules!
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Old 05-26-12, 06:23 AM   #2
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Re: New here, and it shows! - Rules

"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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Old 05-26-12, 06:48 AM   #3
red ink
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Re: New here, and it shows!

G'day and welcome
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Old 05-26-12, 07:07 AM   #4
CK SandBoas
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Hi there, welcome to the forum!
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Old 05-26-12, 07:57 AM   #5
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Welcome to the forum!
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Old 05-26-12, 08:21 AM   #6
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Welcome, looks like you have an awesome collection.
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 05-26-12, 09:37 AM   #7
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Welcome to the forum! Would love to see photos of your collection
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Old 05-26-12, 11:06 AM   #8
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Hello and welcome to our zoo. Love to see pictures of your Bloods and Womas.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 05-26-12, 12:27 PM   #9
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Re: New here, and it shows!

hi and welcome!!

A few critters...
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Old 05-26-12, 02:34 PM   #10
*Don't Mind Me*
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Welcome to the forum! Any pics of your snakes?

Reptile enthusiast: of course!
Reptile keeper: not at the moment...
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Old 05-27-12, 02:36 AM   #11
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Re: New here, and it shows!

I think I can manage some pictures, although most of these are older... I will start with my BCIs first, and then do pythons in a followup. I apologize for the background mess in some of these pictures. I was either moving or working on my rack.

Nibbles was my first snake, also the first pet I acquired as an adult. She's CBB 2006, and been a blast the whole time. Was sold to me as a Costa Rican RTB. I still think she is, but I am no-longer sure as to if her and the others are the same locality, as she is much smaller and they are all supposed to be the same age.

Once I made the decision that I was going to take my reptile hobby/obsession to the next level, the first thing I wanted to do was to breed nibbles, because she is one of the lightest colored Costa Ricans I had ever seen. I bought a pair off that I am quite happy with, but I was quite surprised by their significantly larger size when they arrived, so I have been struggling to expand my caging since their arrival.

First pick is of Angel, the male. He's not an angel. He is very naughty. He shoots out of his rack all the time and then gets tangled up in stuff. He also regularly takes shots at me. That's ok though, I enjoy the challenge. Also, he is REALLY low red. I can't want to see what his babies look like.

Rainbow was the real size surpise out of the bunch, at nearly 8 FT. I had her in a tub for a little bit, as I had no other choice, but she is now happily housed in a Boaphile 421D(2 more for the other two boas soon).

1.2 - boa constrictor imperator - Costa Rican Playa Hermosa BCIs 2006
1.1 - aspidites ramsayi - Australian Woma Python (American-Mutt-Locality) 2011
1.1 - python curtus curtus - Sumatran Black Blood Python 2011
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Old 05-27-12, 02:37 AM   #12
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Next I got a pair of Woma Pythons(cd 2011). Incredibly beautiful snakes and wonderful personalities. These pictures are 6 months old.

Crazy Steve is my male woma, and he is definatly neck-and-neck with Nibbles as my favorite. He is just a really chill snake with a great personality that always eats. With the wavey pattern, can you blame me?

Merideth started out being chill and easy to handle, just like Crazy Steve, but then something happened (I can't figure out what), and now all she wants to do is eat me. She has never defense bit me (although her feeding response looks very devensive/aggressive at times) but she trys to eat me at ALL possible opportunities. If she can get a bite in, it's happening, and she won't be letting go for a while.

My most recent addition is a beautiful pair of Sumatran Black Blood pythons. At least that is what they were sold to me as. Personally I think that's what they are. But I think it's kindof a toss up and they could end up being curtus breitensteini instead of curtus curtus. I guess it will come down to size in the end!

Hope you liked my pictures as much as I like my snakes!
1.2 - boa constrictor imperator - Costa Rican Playa Hermosa BCIs 2006
1.1 - aspidites ramsayi - Australian Woma Python (American-Mutt-Locality) 2011
1.1 - python curtus curtus - Sumatran Black Blood Python 2011
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Old 05-27-12, 04:35 AM   #13
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Re: New here, and it shows!

I would say those sumatrans are integraded with a breitsteini somewhere down the line...
3.1 Ball Pythons: Maru, Zelos, Lloyd, Pyre
1.4 Carpet Pythons: Sync, Noelle, Punk, Tiny, Purity
0.2 Blood Pythons: Lucy, Ashe
0.1 Black Blood: Nephry
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Old 05-27-12, 06:10 AM   #14
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Re: New here, and it shows!

Beautiful snakes. On the Bloods the only way to know for sure is with time as they color up. The one Blood looks awful skinny.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 05-27-12, 02:02 PM   #15
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Re: New here, and it shows!

@Caylan: It wouldn't surprise me one bit...

@marvelfreak: I think that second shot is some wierd sort of angle trick... once you pointed it out I agree with you, he looks starving in that shot, and I was never worried about him in person. Reguardless, they have chunked up nicely so far, even though I do really have to work to get them to eat sometimes. Sexes are guesses. First two are the skinny one from the last shot. Second two are the larger one that is most likely female.

1.2 - boa constrictor imperator - Costa Rican Playa Hermosa BCIs 2006
1.1 - aspidites ramsayi - Australian Woma Python (American-Mutt-Locality) 2011
1.1 - python curtus curtus - Sumatran Black Blood Python 2011
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