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Old 01-12-12, 09:49 AM   #1
Non Carborundum Illegitimi
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Silly Snakes

A place to share experiences we have had with our OWN snakes doing silly things.

My wife normally does the morning tank spraying apart from feeding day when i do it.

This morning wasnt feed day but i did the spraying as wife was busy, Doc (SD Retic) saw me doing it and obviously put two and two together and decided it was feeding day, immediately into feed mode.

So i decided to spray him to calm him down - had always worked in the past - this time he decided to launch himself with a full strike at the water molecules and ended up tagging HIMSELF!!!

He then looked at me as if to say "what did YOU do that for!" and then slithered off into his hide!!
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Old 01-12-12, 10:08 AM   #2
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Re: Silly Snakes

ha ha, gotta love retics, be careful with him for a bit, retics are very intelligent and sometimes equate bad experiences with other things and can become mistrusting.
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Old 01-12-12, 10:35 AM   #3
Non Carborundum Illegitimi
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Re: Silly Snakes

Thanks, he was fine afterwards, i picked him up barehanded to check he hadnt injured himself - the thing i love most about him is that he is so easy to read and after the strike he was out of feed mode almost immediately.
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Old 01-12-12, 03:25 PM   #4
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Re: Silly Snakes

My new king snake wags his tail any time I go to handle him. Once he is out he is fine, but trying to get him out or letting him choose to go into my hand seems to not make him too happy. He hasn't musked or struck so i am hoping he will settle down with handling I know it's normal but I still think it looks strange to me and makes me laugh a little. Silly king snake you are not a rattler and there is nothign to make that noise with.
2.0 Black Rat Snake 0.1.1 Corn Snake 1.0 Pueblan Milk Snake 1.1 Cali King 1.0 Pastel BP 0.1 BCI 1.0 Anery Boa 1.1 horses
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Old 01-12-12, 03:29 PM   #5
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Re: Silly Snakes

Originally Posted by FangsAnarchy View Post
My new king snake wags his tail any time I go to handle him. Once he is out he is fine, but trying to get him out or letting him choose to go into my hand seems to not make him too happy. He hasn't musked or struck so i am hoping he will settle down with handling I know it's normal but I still think it looks strange to me and makes me laugh a little. Silly king snake you are not a rattler and there is nothign to make that noise with.
a few years ago when i got my albino nelson he did the exact same thing for a month but after that he's chill calm and never bitten no one now my bull snake on the other hand is mean my coral snake is chill and hasn't even try and bit but i don't hold with my bare hands
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Old 01-12-12, 03:35 PM   #6
CK SandBoas
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Re: Silly Snakes

One of my 5 month old Paradox Albino Sand Boas decided one night to eat his pinkies while wrapped around one of my fingers. He had snatched the first pinky, and then wrapped the lower half of his body around my index finger, and just swallowed it while laying on the top of my hand. He then accepted his 2nd pinky while still clinging to my finger, so i let him finish that one, then i gently unwrapped him, and put him back in his enclosure.
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Old 01-12-12, 03:39 PM   #7
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Re: Silly Snakes

If he manages to bite me I won't be overly offended. I would rather him do it than one of my horses to be honest. At least I can bite the horse back since he/she knows better
2.0 Black Rat Snake 0.1.1 Corn Snake 1.0 Pueblan Milk Snake 1.1 Cali King 1.0 Pastel BP 0.1 BCI 1.0 Anery Boa 1.1 horses
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Old 01-12-12, 03:40 PM   #8
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Re: Silly Snakes

wow that's pretty cool i got no silly story's tho kinda sad
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Old 01-12-12, 06:37 PM   #9
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Re: Silly Snakes

Silly stories...hubby will sometimes hold our baby girl bp when he's getting some food ready for her, and others. I told him to stop it becuase she gets so excited she tries to crawl off his arm and tries to get into the warm water to get to the rat. It's REALLY cute, she's like a dog, but i did make him stop becuase then when she WOULD get to eat...she was so voracious she ate like she was starving.

The one time she really did it, she kept trying to crawl up and over "the cup" where we thaw some smaller items, and she drank the water *LOL* little brat.
I guess it was good water though. Nice and tasty. (Was just lukewarm)
Hubby got fussed at for that one, even though i laughed.

My sand boas and hognose snakes crack me up becuase they don't strike, at all...they push the food with their faces and then their mouths and keep pushing until it's inside their mouths. I laugh every time.
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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