is something wrong with Vlad????
Okay so I tempted to handle Vlad today even though he hasn't eaten for me yet but he did potty so I figured it would be okay. I didn't handle him much I let him stay half way in his cage but I was holding his tail and looking at him and I noticed where that little vent is Where he pottys was kind of purple-ish and open?
I know thats not normal at all anyone have any idea what it might be and if its treatable? I tried to take a picture but he was gettng agitated so I left him alone.
I think I'm going to keep him if I can calm him down. i'm going to try and convince my dad to let me. I haven't did much with him but I think I might be getting attached even though he is a meany. lol
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma Gandhi